While I've always been impressed by his apparent care for the planet, I've pointed out quite a few times over the years that his favour of homeopathy demonstrates that he is in fact an idiot.
Bit of a copout, but all the main characters from Dispatches From Elsewhere (though I guess that's by design).
"I want you to think of yourself... as Peter"
It's not a show for everyone. But I was quite moved by it.
My fear. Polls are kinda meaningless nowadays.
I just fail to understand what sort of person views the last 14 years as anything but a series of disasters?!
Don't worry I got what you were putting down. People can be very reactionary with their downvotes here, if your joke is too subtle it can fly over their heads.
It made me smirk! For my reference, how many zeros is that (I'm shit at maths but want to try and imagine such a long lever protruding into deep space)?
I don't get how she fucked this up so badly. All she had to say was "students are entitled to protest for Palestine, but calls for genocide are not OK"
Kinda sounds like she's OK with calls for genocide.
Bet you were wondering wtf was so wise about that wise man.
"I bring you Frankincense!"
"I bring you gold!"
"I bring you carrots, herp derp"
Stop ruining my jokes with additional info, damn it!
Gay the pray away!
I hoped he wouldn't, but at the point where he was massing troops at the border it was surely a sign of what was coming.
"We're not planning on invading, just putting all our troops here for shits and giggles!"