At the very least, Canada should be allowed to participate in the Eurovision song contest!
So technically, they have a 1600 rating before celebrating their first birthday?
The myth was always about goldfish specifically, so the comparison to salmon seems disingenuous.
Norway checking in!
While highly probable, that alone doesn't cause one to stand like this. There must be some insane degree of anterior pelvic tilt going on.
Best new meme format of 2025?
So far...
Now monokith.
It takes one to know one.
The pot calling the kettle black.
I haven't looked into it (and I'm not averse to eating vegetarian or less meat), but "" sounds like a biased source. Citing two studies and talking to a single "leading researcher" also doesn't seem like a comprehensive review of the science.
Holy shit, I didn't even consider this one until now...
I'll be looking forward to the next AI generated video of Trump "taking over" Crimea, this time featuring a sunbathing Putin.