The parkour system in unity is the most advanced, most fluid one in the whole series!
Soooo... I think I'm about to leave the first proper map. The voices aren't as bad as I thought at the beginning. Some NPCs have stronger accents than others, taking the backstory of the island to account it totally makes sense since a lot of people are coming from different regions.
I love the comments from the companions every time you stumble across a new region, street, house. It really lets you feel like they know the way around and you're the visitor.
The story picks up a notch and gives enough choices for every mood. Also it lets you remember some of your choices and opens new ways to solve some quests. Combat feels better and better as more you dive into. All weapons are viable and are well balanced. I started as a heavy two hand melee but now my second loadout is a book with a pistol...
The map design is really really nice IMO. You really have to take a look behind everything to find something. The loot is plausible. Enemy placement don't feel off.
After all it's a good solid game. Maybe not a full priced one but for 10-20€ off a really nice worth to be played one.
I hope it doesn't fall off the more you play..
Performance got worse in Paradis but still is around 90 in my case.
Only the Add-on, 30% off or so.
So far I kinda like it but haven't played much, just arrived at the docks.
The art style is nice and you really can see the love for details.
The voices feel a bit off, for a non-nativ english speaker it sounds like americans trying as hard as they can to speak with a british/Victorian era accent.
For those who's playing on PC, check mods for performance. After some tinkering I'm getting solid 120+fps @1080p with high/max settings with RT enabled (FSR quality and FG) on a RTX 3060 and a Ryzen 3600.
I will give an update as long as i don't forget it
The nice part: you don't have to engage into combat. You can talk your way out or maybe, what will suit you more, use poison and be friend with the shadow.
And even if they show the ping it's often a lie... Best example is Diablo 4 half a year back... In-game showed around 60ms when in reality it was like more than half a second +
Network tools showed always at least triple the amount the game tried to let you believe.
IMO publishers and devs are using shortcuts and trying to hide it...
Played it about a year ago when it was still in EA. AFAIK, the full release will be in a couple of weeks and there is a demo, which you can test ATM.
Imo this game is perfect for people who want to build a village/town and manage your economy without the hassle of attacks or else. There are some events like bad weather but almost every time it's not that big of a deal. Last time I played, I had multiple bugs where the economy stopped working which started a spiral downwards. But this was a year ago. Oh and I forgot to mention, this game has already a pretty big mod library.
I love this game but how the holy mirelurk is this game still broken after 6 years. PA is still broken af. 1 of 10 times you leave you PA instead of interacting with something. Animation getting locked, fusion cores stuck in PA without any chance to remove so you have to switch the whole frame because a restart wont fix it...
But i bet they will fix it, someday
Thank you for your response. Had to look up what tagging means... And yeah you're totally right, I should try to relax and enjoy the game instead of min/max everything. It's kind of difficult to find a direction without stumbling upon the "perfect, best, godlike" builds which again starting to push into min/maxing...
Merry Christmas and happy Holidays ^^
Edit: p.s. i tried to avoid youtube but at the end found an unkown tuber which explained all necessary perks for a PA heavy gunner
I would love to try
Construction Simulator 2015
Btw, it's very nice from you doing this :)
Hey, I'm new here and maybe it's a dump question but shouldn't Minerva's Location be at foundation and not away?
IMO we really should try to look at these games as "new ones" and not put them into a Schublade (pigeonhole). Please correct my phrasing if I'm wrong.
It's its own style, gameplay and story. Sure we can make comparisons but we shouldn't expect them to be like the games we compare them with. As an example, Avowed was compared to Skyrim and people immediately jumped the train and accused it of being too linear, not big enough and not having much choices. Undeserved because it's nothing like Skyrim, at least for me.
I hope Rebellion didn't chase any trend and had its own ideas but we will see. And btw: never, NEVER preorder!