Your fear is burning your truck down because of the breaker auto-resetting and causing a program, right? Adding a fuse before the breaker will allow the breaker to operate normally. But if it's a serious problem, like an actual short and not a temporary overcurrent, the fuse will blow and not reset.
Just put an additional fuse rated just higher than the circuit breaker inline
I do something very similar. I make cheese shells for tacos. It tastes amazing and is a great meal when I'm on keto
Meth and the tamines
Accept those that come and act to integrate them into society. They come seeing a better life and reprieve from persecution, just as the immigrants from Europe through the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s did.
I am in the exact same boat. The removal of "free" rotating streaming video content and limiting it to only Amazon funded shows with "free with prime" videos being hosted by 3rd party apps (fuck off, freevee) was bad enough but to start showing ads was the final straw
I cancelled my prime today. $150/yr. I can wait a few extra days for the things I need to order
Does it actually travel down with the quill or is it stationary? It's obviously powered by the belts. My guess is it's a 2nd op quill and that one is either pops out slugs that have been cut but may leave hanging Chad, or it's simply a smaller deburrer than what's in the main quill.
The motor will be printed with a frame number. You can match up the hp, frame number, and shaft diameter and it should work. Most old lathes came with reversible motors. Not all electric motors can be reversed.
Chances are if it's stopping and starting then you have a bad capacitor. Here's a link on how these motors work and what to look for to fix it https://woodgears.ca/motors/reversing.html
Yeah that's something you'll just have to deal with. It's better if you have a dc welder and not a super cheap ac machine
Regarding your points:
this just requires practice.
the settings require more adjustment for sure. The voltage is set based on the wire diameter and metal temperature. Wire feed speed is set based on metal thickness. There are charts you can look up that give you good starting points for dialing the machine in.
mig should have virtually zero spatter, and what is there should just brush off. If you're getting a lot of spatter there are three likely issues: a) voltage is set too high b) contact tip to work piece is too far c) the material is dirty, such as rust or paint, heavy mill scale, or a coating like zinc or galvanizing like on aluminized exhaust tubing
You'll find that the more you use mig, the more you will prefer it. It's an all around better process for home hobbiests and light fabrication.
The letter looks mostly real, but they photoshopped the page to be longer and added the first two paragraphs. The page is creased where their thumb is. But that doesn't match up to the crease point on the other side of the page.