Kill them, board the ship, take everything we can, attempt to reverse engineer it, find tech that could make life instantly better for over 90% of the population to end world hunger and instantly cure countless diseases injuries and ailments...but instead they patent it and hold back 100 years of progress while some people get obscenely rich
Get that fucking fish out of the Ready Room.
I wanted to do more but working is getting in the fucking way
His favorite song is the 90s hit Berserker.
My love for you is like a truck, BERRRRSERRRRKEERRRR
Would you like some making fuck, BERRRRSERRRRKEERRRR
Just my luck I'm either in the Control group and get the placebo, or I get in super early trials and end up with the Kane Madness
You bomb Cardassian buildings and installations, killing hundreds of innocent Bajorian children and comfort women we secretly kept there, yet you call us monsters
They'll double-down and blame all their self-made problems on everyone but themselves.
And a lot of slapstick
Early TNG feels pretty campy too. I watched a lot of TNG and some DS9 in the early 90s (with some VOY/ENT and obviously the movies) but only really took it at face value. It wasn't until post-college (05-06) with a lot of free time & streaming that I'd marathon TNG and DS9 and was able to really start to appreciate it all.
I knew half the women on Bumble were Borg!