
joined 2 years ago
[–] TheYang 4 points 1 week ago

Shining3D also makes professional-level scanners that cost as much as a car, so I banked on them putting some of that expertise into their consumer models and went with the Einstar.

Seems like you were correct.

[–] TheYang 24 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

hardware is fine. If you're not experienced the 3000km will fuck you though. Stuff will arise where you will need to get at it.

I've been using two laptops als "servers" for years.
well, the first one died after about 6 years of use.
But I can get at them reasonably.

[–] TheYang 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

that is more editing and good lighting.
there are always layer lines.

Depending on you I would recommend
Voron (DIY, will take about a week to build and a week to tune),
Prusa (depends on your preference, assemble yourself or built, depending on required time a mk4s with mmu3, or the core one which will take several months to get to you, and the mmu3 later when it will become compatible)
Qidi (cheap, chinese, will likely work decent after some tuning)

[–] TheYang 2 points 1 month ago

there isn't a "best" really. Depends on your wants/needs.

for true Openness, I don't think anything beats a Voron.
Prusa is great (good track record, good support, Hardware is not open anymore though, can work out of the box), but expensive.
plenty of others get you something largely decent for low prices (qidi, creality for example) but long term support seems likely to lack, and there are always reports of some issues for some and great results for others.

[–] TheYang 14 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The Security argument doesn't hold water when you're pushed toward the cloud use for transmitting data over your own network cable would suffice.

Define APIs and API keys (local and cloud).
Instant safe communication, local and/or cloud.

[–] TheYang 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I don't see it this way, for multiple reasons.
If my understanding is correct, they are (imho) misleading if not lying in this post, when they say:

these claims are entirely false:

Bambu Lab will remotely disable your printer ("brick" it).
Firmware updates will block your printer’s ability to print

But they integrate a certificate which has a validity date.

Once that update is on, you're kind of locked to their releases. Yes they now, after the backlash have realized that they are putting up the walls a bit too quick. But I do not see anything in there that says "we were wrong to do it this way" - which they are.
There is little reason to - by default - put the cloud inbetween your PC and your Printer, which may sit 2m or less apart. That never makes anything more secure.


tl;dr: "Fuck You, we're right, but here's a crumb from the table" but in PR-speak.

There'll be a Lan-Mode (still requiring Bambu Connect), and a Dev-Mode (which will continue MQTT, live steam and FTP).

The Writing continues to be on the wall.

[–] TheYang 3 points 1 month ago


Curious to see if the reliability of ejection (and adhesion) really will end up being worth the added mechanical complexity.

remember, most prints take hours, and taking them off plates takes... a few seconds to minutes.

[–] TheYang 1 points 2 months ago
[–] TheYang 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

so hopefully they can maintain a sufficient market share to keep a sustainable business going

When the market grows, one can lose market share and still have a sustainable business ;).
You don't even need a growth in revenue for sustainable businesses either.

If Prusa went under, I still think I would have a better chance of maintaining a functional printer than if e.g. I had a Bambu printer and they went under (although that does perhaps not seem so likely at the moment?).

That seems reasonable. Let's not forget that Bambu only increased their Firmware-Feature update promise from 2 years (march 2025) to 4 years (march 2027) after community outcry.

btw (I do not know either way) did a bambu printer ever get a firmware feature like Input Shaping, Phase Stepping, Crash Detection etc. as an update? For example does their LIDAR now work on textured plates? (I think it didn't in the beginning)

[–] TheYang 5 points 2 months ago (8 children)

I think you have it down pretty well.

It's not perfectly open Source. Upgradeability can be reasonably expected, it's not the cheapest, but a very good option.

One more thing that could be considered is if one believes Prusa may die as a company. That would of course reduce the aspect of upgradeability. Personally I believe they are fine, and just growing slower (more organically? Than Bambu for example).

Also Bambu will bring out another printer in a similar timeframe as Core 1 will come out. Depending on priorities it can make sense to wait to compare the offerings.

But I don't think, given your reasonig you'd be making a mistake if you could buy now.

[–] TheYang 5 points 3 months ago (10 children)

Oh wow, that,s freaking amazing.

If the Slicer works well, I wonder if/when we'll get a core r theta voron.

That could be my next printer.

Btw I assume this is patented to hell, but Voron wouldn't need to care right? As they don't intend to profit?

[–] TheYang 35 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (8 children)

Tl;dw Default config is 16gb ram, 256gb ssd
32gb ram is 450$ upgrade, 2tb ssd is 800$ Amazon prices are 120-150$ for 64gb ram or 2tb nvme ssd

So maxing out both costs 1250 for a ~300$ (retail) upgrade, if that were possible.


Apparently some group has broken Bambus encryption.

Apparently, as he claims, the logs reveal not only (further) licensing issues with Bambu, they also apparently send the complete Model you want to print to Bambu, which would be a huge issue for any companies using them.

What do you think?
Anyone ever checked on the size of the logs? Does it make sense that they actually send the whole Model?

/e: clarification, apparently the logs do not get sent to bambu by default on every print (even while in LAN-Mode) as it can be understood here, but all of this info is in the logs you can manually choose to send to Bambu (i.e. in the case of an issue with a print(/er) bambu is reasonably likely to ask for this).


I've just found this Optimus Gen 2 demo, and I thought it's quite interesting.

The Hands are surreal, the gait is still weird, but from what I understand it's a lot easier to walk without an outstretched joint in robotics (avoiding singularity in the kinematics).

Very curious to see if they just did the "easy" 0-80% and will kinda get stuck here, or will keep improving rapidly.

Really looks like it may be used on assembly lines in another year or so. But this is promotion, so looking like that is kinda the point.

what do we think the runtime of these is untethered?
If they have a full AI stack in them, won't they need quite a bit of compute power?


Hey there, I've been on the hunt to get a few more and better sensors on my wrist, without having to send them to someone else as well.

As it took me quite a while to realize this, I decided to maybe make this information a bit more discoverable.
The Open Source App Gadgetbridge is a replacement companion App for smartwatches. As it explicitly does not use any Permission for networking, it cannot communicate any of it's data via network.
As there is no official support from any of the larger manufacturers, it's support is somewhat limited, but as I realized now, Amazfit Smartwatches all apparently use the same ZeppOS, and ZeppOS is supported by Gadgetbridge!

There are some limitations, for example DND sync from watch to phone is a work in progress, and SPO2 data isn't synced yet either, but I guess some of the people here might be willing to make that sacrifice.

Fairphone 5 details leak (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by TheYang to c/[email protected]
  • Fairphone 5 will be presented in the next few days, price: 699 euros
  • Focus on green construction, 70% fair trade and recycling
  • Increased modularity for easy repairability
  • 8 years software support
  • 6.46 inch OLED display, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB internal memory
  • Improved camera with two 50 megapixel sensors, 4K video
  • Battery capacity of 4200mAh, Bluetooth 5.2, WiFi 6E, IP55
  • Performance on August 31st, availability at the end of September
is a scam? (self.cryptocurrency)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by TheYang to c/[email protected]

Hey there.

All my scam-alarmbells are ringing, but I'd like to have a little perspective because I never got into trading with crypto at all.

A friend of mine apparently put about $70k in different crypto into Then there seem to have been some hijinx with mistyped adresses, and talks with support later, representatives tell my friend, that they need to fork over another 10% of their holdings, so another $7k, to validate their account or something.

This has to be a scam, right? The Money is gone, and since it was put in via crypto there is no way to recover it?

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