1: change zoning laws to allow more multifamily construction
Our city did this and it hasn't helped at all, because banks won't finance it. No minimum parking, no height limit, no maximum FAR, no maximum unit count.
1: change zoning laws to allow more multifamily construction
Our city did this and it hasn't helped at all, because banks won't finance it. No minimum parking, no height limit, no maximum FAR, no maximum unit count.
this shortage is entirely caused by cities preventing construction of everything but single family homes
So I work in a field closely related to this, and the issue is less cities and more banks. The regulations in my city are basically: "if it's housing, no regulations". No minimum parking, no maximum density, no height limit, etc etc. But the banks? Won't finance over ~22 stories. Or over ~200 units. Or parked less than 2:1. So we end up with only these short towers that are 50% parking podiums, where units are expensive AF because they have to pay for $100,000+ of parking per unit, not to mention the astronomical land prices being less diluted.
The only solution is for the city itself to start financing construction (and realistically doing the development themselves too), but that's never going to happen.
Most real estate is owned by "123 street LLC", meaning each LLC owns a single house/building. I'm not even sure how you would get around that realistically, and it's not just companies that do that. If I ever get to the position of buying a house (....yeah right lol), I intend to do the same thing.
On top of that it gets weird with multiple houses because they're in different locations with different tax rates and AHJs. Even within the same city you can be paying taxes to different counties. I'd like to see something like owning 2 houses = 2x taxes, 3 = 3x, etc. But then people could game it based on different tax rates, so you'd have to have a system to apply it to each AHJ equally.
Might be intentional. If it was closer/less of a drop, it might just become "another handrail" where the "oh shit I don't want to do this" doesn't happen until after you jump off the net. By making it such a big drop, you increase the chances of that realization happening first, and if the net causes an injury, that might also stop the person from making it to the edge of the net and going over.
Basically, by making it a big drop it's become a bigger obstacle, which could increase effectiveness.
Not so much with OLED being a thing. They do make OLED TVs now, but they're just buying LG panels, so it comes down to is their image processing worth twice as much for the same screen.
Their industrial design is still top-tier throughout their portfolio though.
Another vote for DDG. I honestly didn't realize Google had gone to shit, because I haven't used them for anything in the last 5 years (which is wild for me to think about, because I used to be a huge Google fanboy in the G+/Hangouts/Google Now/Nexus era).
That one is really, really bad though.
The one on the Mix 4 on the other hand was pretty great, but the camera quality suffered.
Yeah you can preview this cycle by looking at Cadillac. They were among the first to go touch-only with Cue in the early 2010s, started fading back in physical buttons with new models in the late 2010s, and on their newest models now have a full set of very nice custom buttons not shared from the GM parts bin.
I use AODnotify to effectively do the same thing. It animates a ring around either the display (when the screen is "off"), or the camera cutout when it's on.
Varies wildly from phone to phone. I prefer the in screen detectors, since they work great when your phone is on your desk or in a phone dock/charger. They need to be implemented well though.
The one on my Huawei P30 was fantastic. The one on my Pixel 6 was ass, the one on my Pixel 8 is good.
The one on the 6 was ass even without a screen protector, the one on the 8 is good even with one.
I would agree with you, but I had bananas foster cheesecake, and that was amazing.
But besides that, yes, plain cheesecake all the way. Preferably creole style.
I feel like with chess it's always the kids that absolutely dominate everyone else.