My dad uses one as a macro pad for his invoices and other documents/paper work
Please don't forget that even when this company made "better" games and was more profitable, their management and executives were wilful participants in rampant sexual abuse of their workers. Ubisoft is, always has been, and always will be a pile of festering shit and bankruptcy would be too good for them.
Will do. I have also emailed my provincial premier, which I also suggest everyone also do. Contact your premiers, your MLA and your MP.
Fascism cannot be allowed to take root in Canada.
Good news for Lemmynites.
The site is literally bought, paid for, and owned by a nazi.
Next question.
No. Get the hell off my computer and stay off.
Not only is my personal information on my computer, but so is client information and projects that I signed a NDA that only my eyes shall ever see them.
This is really going to start to snowball come March when Carney is picked as Liberal leader. He comes from a background of money management (governor of the Bank of Canada & England) and is well liked by both liberals and moderate conservatives.
I suspect that the liberals are going to pull up to a tie with the cons by the fall election, but we shall see.
Huh. I've seen no sign of it on my phone. I wonder if it's a country/location thing.
Way ahead of you. I already use an alternative paid email service, don't use Android, and don't use Google search.
A haunting reminder that rainbow capitalism is 100% about profit and convenience.
Corporations were never your friend. They were never going to defend you.
Gross. Going to hold onto my 14P for as long as I can.
I hope you’re right. That is good news if true.