Played it with my wife. We both agreed the gameplay is great but the story is awful. We disagreed that they should stay together in the end.
Brilliant! We need to spread this message so us Pineapple Pizza lovers wont be so hated.
Add Rimworld to this list
I remember playing the original. It was a lot of fun. The next game they made, Cthulhu Saves the World, was a big improvement on their style and storytelling.
I might have to puck this up.
This is the correct answer, OP.
I get what you're saying but I love my kid. He's the best thing to ever happen to me.
38 year old here checking in with "Butts" for his latest playthrough
Funny thing about this on is that my wife actually ghost wrote it. A few of the jokes in it are my creation.
We don't get money from the sales. We just think it's cool that it's out in the world.
This is me. I have a wife and a young child. I want to fight but i have to protect my family first.
I would suggest a book of jokes specifically for kids. Like this one.
It's free on Kindle Unlimited. You don't even have to let your daughter know that you're getting them from a book.
I'm stealing this.