No worries and no rush! Fedex should have an online estimator where you feed it the dimensions of the box, how much it weighs and the zip its going to and it should give you a cost. Might be worth looking into
Okay yeah that sounds great! Shipping is to zip 98059. I'll message you with my address after you've got an estimate
Yeah, they are basically go karts with a full interior and glass haha. A G60 swap would be so much fun! I may be interested in those Koni Yellows if shipping costs aren't too crazy. I was working with a pretty tight budget, so it has Koni oranges and H&R street springs on it now
I'm hoping traffic will pick up on here as well. I came over after the last exodus from reddit and it's been slow going in the car communities That's too bad to hear that a 12v is too heavy for a Mk2! I have a 12v in my Scirocco, and it still handles the same as it did with the 8v, but the big ol 26mm H&R rear sway bar definitely helps lol. I should dig up the imgur album I put together for it and post it here. I think people still use imgur here, but I've also seen people using catbox, which I haven't looked into
Oh wow, a comment after all this time!
Thanks! We were considering big bumpers a while ago, but they're getting hard to find. Plus, the main reason we'd get them is to house an intercooler, but there are smaller option available now that fit in front of the radiator
If you have any VW content, please post it!
Whoa, I also have a gray tabby missing his left eye! How old is he/she?
I guess technically a refund? I returned tools I rented from O'Reilly to fix the timing chain on my truck. 250,000 miles and still runs like a champ, just ignore the noisey lifter haha
Everything about Metroid Prime. Incredible soundtrack, gorgeous scenery, interesting wildlife, challenging bosses/puzzles, and so so so much lore. It's still probably my all time favorite game. Can't wait for Prime 4 to come out!
When I went to trade school in 2010 for automotive repair our instructors told us this was going to happen. At the time, I thought they were just grumpy old men who didn't like that cars were becoming more and more electronic. How wrong I was
Oh the irony of using a green wire
Haha no worries. You just reminded me I still have my Zune tucked away in storage. I should dig it out and get it running again The great thing about VCDS is the MASSIVE community and a wealth of knowledge available on the ross-tech forum, so you should be able to get the hang of it without too much trouble!