Children have all the fun.
Dammit, I saw this too late. I have 4k that I had earmarked for another motorcycle that I totally would have spent on this instead. I've got a buddy up in NC I've been meaning to visit and we could totally have road tripped to pick that bad boy up.
I would have sold my car to ride around in that.
President Camacho pardoned Joe Bauers who then became president. He showed that, even though he's an idiot, he's capable of making the right decision for the country.
Oh, just to add, the panhandle gets pretty chilly, generally in the 20s and 30s F during the winter. But I grew up in northeast Texas and currently live in Houston so that's where a lot of my experiences come from.
Not often. The person who said "it feels cold to them" is about right. But we got a few inches of snow this year and the whole state was shut down by a winter storm a couple of years back.
I've lived in cold places. I'll take upstate New York in winter where they have the infrastructure and mindset to handle it over what happened here a couple of years back. Even the little snow we got this year made a certain group of folks lose their shit. Our infrastructure is made to withstand triple digits in the shade, not the first snowflake of the year.
Every year. It doesn't snow here terribly often but if it's snowing you can bet I'm drunk as hell smoking a brisket.
I love blue rare filets, but I don't enjoy a ribeye or strip that way because the fat doesn't have any time to render and ends up with a gross texture.
For a really good ribeye (assuming I have the time and energy) I'll smoke it on low up to rare then sear it so it comes out medium rare.
At that point crack is cheaper.
That's been my entire career in computing. I was a director at a small company until it got bought out because they kept promoting me for jumping in with both feet and figuring shit out.
That's kind of what they argue, so they're halfway there.
I understand having a "man cave" or whatever you want to call it, but has anyone ever explained the point of having naked or lingerie clad women on the walls?
I'm a straight dude who likes naked women. I look at them from time to time. But I don't get it as decoration for your hobby/work/game area.
Change starts at the dog catcher. That's how the maga morons did it. They ran for every single down ballot race, all the way to the bottom.