
joined 2 years ago
[–] TenderfootGungi 3 points 8 months ago

I carry a thin fabric zippered wallet in a front pocket along with my keys.

I have a set of keys for each car. Each set has a tracker and house key.

And a phone in the opposite front pocket.

And an Apple Watch.

That’s it. That’s all I carry. And nothing goes in a back pocket to sit awkwardly on.

[–] TenderfootGungi 19 points 8 months ago

These are coming down because of SCOTUS taking down Chevron. Now every rule must explicitly by made by the bills congress passes. They can no longer state an intent and hire experts to implement those intents vis rules.

We are heading into a Libertarians wet dream of government agencies being nearly Powerless thanks to our SCOTIS.

[–] TenderfootGungi 3 points 8 months ago

We like the big UK brands like Yorkshire (the British know tea), but of the main US brands, usually grab Bigelo. But any tea drinker has a cabinet full of all kinds of tea.

[–] TenderfootGungi 3 points 8 months ago

They physically can, but spying on you via drone in someplace you have a reasonable expectation of privacy (I.e. your house, not the sidewalk or public space) is already illegal.

[–] TenderfootGungi 2 points 8 months ago

And one of them (Match?) apparently hsd a decency algorithm that matched people on things like religion and politics, but was disabled after being bought out.

[–] TenderfootGungi 6 points 8 months ago

While I do not believe she ahoukd run, unlike Trump, she is qualified. She has degrees from Princeton and Harvard and is an attorney. And more importantly, she is wicked smart.

[–] TenderfootGungi 2 points 8 months ago

One of the scientific calculators has great business functions in a menu (ti83 maybe?). I prefered it to actual business calculators. And it could handle the science classes as well.

I don’t remember the exact model, though. Once out of school we use excel.

[–] TenderfootGungi 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Over 100° is not unusual for the Midwest. Although not usuall until late July into August.

[–] TenderfootGungi 21 points 8 months ago (1 children)

As a straight guy, I have just walked into the wrong bathroom or chaises a kid into the wrong bathroom more times than I want to admit.

[–] TenderfootGungi -2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

RCS is a terrible standard. But China wants it, so Apple is forced to add it.

[–] TenderfootGungi 4 points 8 months ago

It is hard to believe they got even this token (she won’t serve it) sentence in the US. We seem to accept that killing someone with a car is fine.

[–] TenderfootGungi 4 points 8 months ago

I take my kids across a 45 mph crosswalk. It has blinking red traffic lights if you push the crosswalk button. A large percentage of cars don’t even slow down. We wait for a row of cars to actually stop before crossing.

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