Uh, the angels that cover your malady require a 10% tithe.
Companies look at quarter to quarter metrics. NO company of any size looks at day-to-day metrics.
I have certainly heard of Weyerhauser, but had no idea they were that big. They're the only 'individual' owner shown. The land-owning families is odd as I'm sure it overlaps a lot with pasture and private timberland.
OIL. There's a LOT of land that might be considered cow/grazing but won't really grow anything worth it. See West Texas.
Name someone more addicted to shitposting…
Because showing up to a client meeting dripping in sweat on a 103 degree day is considered to be poor form. Because I got a new job and don’t have an extra two hours in my day to ride a bike back and forth, and moving isn’t in the cards. Because I have to carry a couple kids and all the crap the goes along with them.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the DNC chair at the time. She put her foot on the scale for Hillary, and set us on the current course.
Also, Boeing notwithstanding…
One bad actor causing chaos amongst the staff entrusted with keeping airlines safe….
Black cars look dirty so much faster than any other color, they get hotter in the sun, and they’re harder to see at night which ostensibly would lead to more accidents.