I highly recommend going to see Not.GreenDay if they have a show near you. I saw them this year and they definitely sound like the OG GreenDay. They also did a good job of getting the crowd involved and in high spirits.
I don't know why I held out for you to claim something like, 'If you mix the milk that's two days away from expiring, with milk that will expire in two weeks, you can essentially extend the two days away milk's shelf life.'
I swear I'm not that gullible.
Was the effect that he eventually popped?
I'm all for it!
Give us a taste of what would be on your list.
In 100 years from now generative AI might exist...
I believe you mean Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) We currently use generative AI.
...keeps these positive developments progressing slowly so that future generations of humanity will not know our suffering.
Hear hear!
You're a monster, but I think you knew that. ha
Are these albums or songs of Arlo Guthery?
The bigger joke is that (IIRC) all of the latest CoD games require a consistent internet connection to verify that you actually purchased the rights to the video game. Even if you're playing offline.
I see your point. But I'm none of those things.
It's not that I can't find the beauty in this art piece. Whether that be the realistic look of everything in it, the dated shading technique, the ability to capture an intimate moment through painting, or perhaps something else. My humorous comment was to bring attention to the situation that not everyone wants to be able to see things with nudity in them, in their day to day browsing of Lemmy. I have family that come over and I don't think it would be appropriate for my nieces or nephews to see nudity on my monitor without there being context and for there to be an appropriate occasion with their parents' permission.
Yeah, yeah. This is nothing. This is just a Minor(ity) Report.