Ha. Are you one of the devs OP?
It will find it's audience for sure. If you look at what most players were doing in Cities Skylines, you've find that a lot of the time it was managing traffic and figuring out solutions for said problems. Heck, YTers have whole playlists for how to get better taffic flow in your city.
Also, if American/Europe Truck Simulator can find a niche of gamers, this can as well.
Yep. I can see it now. Thank you.
Where's the shirt image?
Lol. This is great. Thanks for sharing.
Here you go.
That's a great perspective to have. Sure they didn't have social media to deal with or cars and such, but there are a lot of similarities in the end.
Santa Clause can't be fat one moment and ultra skinny the other, to fit down a chimney.
More like, 'Betrayal of the highest udder.' ...I'll see myself out... of the barn.
.... That's the point, ha. The mormon church cares about individual rights, as much as they do about releasing the rest of the "deciphered" brass plates. Remember, the "sealed" portion?
I'm just asking for a reason why it's incorrect. Please, inform me.
Oh man. I feel yea on being burnt with crappy video games. I really wanted to buy CS2. And was especially excited for what mods would come with it. I'm so glad that I reframed from pre-ordering or getting it day one or day two.