
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago

Actually, stupid Palestinian, I, the western liberal know morality and your situation better than you! Nothing can be clear. Both sides must always be bad, because I cannot conceptualize a government or organization that doesn't fuck over the working and oppressed people as a liberal.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

Precisely, yes yes. You must consider that violence bad and so of course the Palestinians are just as bad as the Nazis because they both kill people and stuff. /s

Reminds me of the Walter Rodney quote. Paraphrasing here, but it goes along the lines of "By what standard of morality can the vioence a slave uses to free himself of his chains be compared to the violence of the slave master?"

My blood has been boiling for a while

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

See my conversation I posted in reply to another commenter. They said a whole bunch of nothing. They don't even have a solution.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Messaged them about this post. Their responses were:

"Their attacks were unwarranted just as they were against the Palestinian people."


They say: "They are targeting, killing, raping Israeli civilians. Their actions only make the situation worse and will lead to more deaths. Now it'll be less likely that Palestine will ever regain independence." (What the fuck, they're pretending like they support their liberation while condemning their acts for liberation. Unbelievable)

I say: "According to who? Fucking CNN? The Israeli government? I call bullshit. Even if those things did happen on rare occasions, there are always people in movements that can do bad things. That doesn't mean you throw out the whole movement. Especially after you treat people like animals. Stop looking at it in a vacuum. Their actions make it worse? What do you offer instead, live under the oppressive Israeli rule? You are literally supporting capitulation over fighting back because "violence bad". Less likely they'll ever gain independence? Yes because it was so likely that the Israelis were going to grant it to them through diplomacy."

They say: "There are videos on Twitter of the acts. As for what I'd suggest as a solution, I honestly don't know. But what I do know is that this violence is unacceptable, just as the violence sanctioned by the Israeli government. And no. I have not been watching CNN or MSNBC."

I responded: " "This violence is unacceptable"

So your solution is nothing, and you condemn any fighting back. You are by default supporting the status quo by condemning revolutionary self defense. All for supporting Palestinian liberation til they actually do something about it. We're the black panthers wrong for using violence? Was BLM wrong in 2020? You're literally just serving the right by doing this."

And then she said: I said I don't know the solution, not that my solution was nothing."

I left that on read.

I've yet to see the Twitter videos. Not denying they exist, just saying.

I can't stand liberals bro. Oh yes, wise westerner, tell me more how best to liberate their country on the internet.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Agree with the other commenters here. Revolutionary optimism is important, and this very well could be the first step in true Palestinian liberation. But it is not over. This will be a long battle and we should not celebrate early.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Holy shit that's quite a bit (I know Israel is pretty small but still a solid chunk. Full support to the Palestinians)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Yeah they've got a certain taste


So I've found myself really having a lot of resentment building up recently against my fellow USian citizens. It's a very weird combination of genuine care + love for my working class future comrades, and serious anger with the way they think and behave.

I really want to avoid being the elitist intellectual asshole, but at the same time it is just so disgusting watching people not care about real issues, dismiss things, and just lack understanding or the effort to try. Just today I had a friend ask me sarcastically "so what's the news today, comrade?" and I responded with the Joe Biden story about how he's funding the fucking southern border wall. They acknowledged that it was bad for like 3 seconds and then said something along the lines of "Biden's going to do what he's gonna do, but I still get to go home and do X enjoyable thing tonight. We all woke up this morning. That's good news!" He then turned to my other friend and started talking about rep clothes they buy, like it didn't even phase him. Like he needed some distraction.

While I appreciate the sentiment as I've obviously been having a rough few months and he's trying to keep things positive, he has a long history of this even before my struggles. Constant disengagement with serious topics and overall apathy for making positive change. They all make fun of me for being educated on what's going on in the world and being a communist, as if either of those are bad things. They're frankly pretty ignorant when it comes to real world things. I'll reveal my age here (I probably already have anyways) but these are legal adults, granted some just turned 18 this year, doing this shit. And I don't know how to feel about it.

I should make a distinction here. I completely understand that many people's material reality prevents them from being educated on the matter or are simply too tired from being worked like a dog to develop critical thoughts + be exposed to good ideas about the system. But this is not the case with these idiots and most of my city at the moment. We are a relatively well off community with plenty of free time and are university-age. I constantly bring up absolutely abhorrent things that happen in society and they are just unaffected. They bathe in their relative privilege and can't understand that not everyone gets to just go home and play Minecraft under this system. They can't seem to demonstrate an understanding that things have real impacts on people's lives, because to them, status quo has been just fine under either/both party's rule.

The other day he talked about "I can't believe people have REAL BEEF over politics bro that's so crazy." I looked at him like he had 3 eyes while my blood boiled. This is how these people think. Like politics is some separate entity or a video game. I tried to explain that I'm not going to associate with someone who's blatantly racist or anti-LGBTQ+ and supports a party/system that has those mindsets.

Basically this ranty post is just asking what the fuck Americans who aren't politically aware think about, and how they do it? How do these people know the planet is being blown up for the sake of profit and do fuck all? Know that the global south is in unfathomable poverty because of us and not care? Know people IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY are in unfathomable poverty and go back to consumerist bullshit? Are they stupid? What the fuck are they thinking?

This is where you come in if you made it this far. Calm me down and let me know if I'm being elitist. Validate me in some way if I'm right in any way. I feel so surrounded by lunacy. Lunacy I tell you.

Sorry for typing so much lmao


Hey all I've just decided to become more active on Lemmygrad again because I miss you all and am a little more stable. Had a drug overdose in August and spent the last two months working through that, but we're in a little better spot now. I'm trying to get back into meeting with party members again to get involved, I want to help and it would probably help me as well.

I've missed you comrades

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Not too much longer, hopefully.

There seems to be a simultaneous development of incredible animosity towards the state AND fascist appeal (at least around me) so it could go either way.

As other commenters have pointed out, the full takeover of fascists (going mask-off, I mean. We already are fascist obviously) does not mean the end of the USA. I do think, though, that the victory of Trump assuming it happens will speed up the reaction/revolt to the fascistic state in some accelerationist way. Can't imagine USian society wouldn't react to that in some way moreso than a Joe Biden flavor of fascism.

Hard to put a date on it. Could be next year's election, could be 10 years, could be 20. All depends on how hard we shake the tree to make the apple fall.

I, for one, am going to dedicate a huge portion of my life to bringing this shit down, so I have hope. I'm only one person, though. Could be totally wrong and misplaced.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Wtf based bluey

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Oh, friend.

I'm so sorry. I won't say I know exactly how you feel - but I've experienced extremely similar things. I'm a suicidal drug addict.

You haven't disappointed anyone. We're just worried. Please get medical assistance and power through. We need you. Everyone needs you.

You're not alone.

Alienated (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My friends haven't responded to any of my texts in the group chat (I asked when we should hang out next) other than one person who said "I ain't got the answers sway."

We haven't really hung out since I got out of rehab and I'm questioning whether or not they're my friends to be honest. They don't reach out or even respond when I do half the time and have greatly slashed our time together since I stopped using drugs. I can't tell if they're just busy and it's bad timing or if they're ditching me.

I'm very lonely and alienated from my community for being a communist and an ex-drug user. I don't live in a big city (Midwest USA) and so there's really nobody else for me to hang out with or find. Most people here are super right-wing and/or have different interests than me.

What to do other than relapse on heroin and die? Maybe I'm dramatic I just feel alone

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Sounds good, I'll check it out.


Particularly ones that aren't liberal or reformist.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm chilling in the parking lot of the gym right now and it's very apparent that there is a couple next to me living in their car. At first I thought they were just getting it on - she brushed her teeth and they both leaned their seats back. But I, being the confused creeper I am, looked through my car window again only to realize they're sleeping. Then it hit me.

They're living in their fucking car in a gym parking lot.

I don't know why I'm hit so hard by this, I'm sure you all see it often, but fuck. It makes me sad.

Radicalization points +100


bottom text


I'm struggling with people around me (in the US) being so politically disengaged and just apathetic towards very serious things.

I don't want to be the stereotypical obnoxious commie who injects politics into everything, but at the same time, basically everything political and we have very different understandings of the world so its hard to just sit back and be like everyone else.

Everyone around me just doesn't seem to care and I don't know what to do. I'm getting involved with a party again soon once I get back on my feet but I don't know how to approach people who are just chilling and galloping through, y'know?

Maybe this is a useless or dumb post but I'm just kind of lost


Seriously, I cannot believe the amount of racist, sexist, and overall just shitty things that are said. I just played an FPS for the first time in a while (CSGO) and Jesus christ.

Just makes it not fun lol. Maybe I'm too sensitive


Just got out of rehab. Feeling great. Nearly 40 days sober, feeling clear headed and even more interested in socialism. More motivated to get back out and organize again.

Missed you all


I'm seeing a bunch of controversy surrounding which socialist organizations to join and I've heard the best things/least bad things about the PSL. Is this true?


It seems like nobody is willing here in the US to actually throw themselves into a revolt or meaningful change because our conditions are just good enough.

I still see everyone around me going for the best social status, the best job, the best car, the biggest house, and completely ignoring all the major flashing red lights.

I feel like a crazy person, like one of those people that's missing the point. I feel surrounded by lunatics and typically that means you're the crazy one but I just know I can't be in this situation, it makes no sense.

Why is it like this? Why do I feel surrounded by NPCs? I can't connect to pretty much anyone here. It all seems so trivial.

I don't want to sound elitist or anything I just can't see how people still don't see the full picture

What to do?

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