I was talking to someone (younger, obviously) and they used the phrase "in the late 1900s" completely unironically. It stopped me dead in my tracks and took my brain about 5 seconds to compute. By the time I was able to speak again, the only thing I could say was "you need to shut the fuck up and leave right now."
As an elder millennial (84, fuckers) I'm really struggling with entering middle age. But I guess I just approach it the same way my generation has approached everything else, with a weird mix of existential dread and wry humor (hat tip to Gen X for starting that, though).
I say this as someone who's been playing in a 2e campaign for the past two and a half years and has been GMing one the past year and largely greatly prefers PF2e to 5e. There are some great elements in 2e like degrees of success, the three action economy, lots of customization options, great GM support, and Paizo overall being a better company that Hasbro. But let's not kid ourselves here: Pathfinder is just reskinned DnD. Heroic fantasy where you roll a d20 and add a modifier.