I've seen you say that a few times here but haven't seen an argument. I'm just curious, why do you think that?
I'm sorry that happened. Some people just don't love Freedom as much as they should.
I think you're cool.
This just leads me to have them unread forever.
Yeah, "blasted." It couldn't have been a shorter, weaker, speach. Pathetic.
Get pest control there now. Give your cat a flea bath. Clean everything very well. I had to deal with this once and it was a months long ordeal. If you catch it fast, you might avoid this.
I always hurt inside when I remember Majesty. It's such a cool concept that could be expanded much more today.
You're correct, I had to look into it myself. It was struck down by a judge in April. Looks like it was changed to be allowed, but not as a formal lesson.
My area is red in income required and home prices. Yay!
Florida, at least. Probably a handful of other states in the US.
Come on, you know adults don't like things that taste good!
There was no primary.