What a fucking moron.
I would characterize it more like a floral perfume.
Granted, but the inability to learn what isn't "intuitive" is staggering.
Have you seen Servant of The People? It pretty much encapsulates who Zelensky was when he was elected and who he is today, molded by war that is...
Sorry, but who's the only country in the history of NATO to invoke article 5. Oh right, the US. Also, please don't pretend you didn't make an ass tonne of money off free trade, don't blame us cause your governments, on both sides of the isle might I add, blew that money giving the rich tax breaks instead of building a healthy social saftey net. Fuck off with your American exceptionalism.
I'm in transportation, but this is my life today.
'food creampie' works even with safe search off.
Time to get my RPAL, and start studying guerrilla tactics.
Best of luck, hopefully this lunacy is over and done with in 4 years time.
In all honesty, no. Not unless you're a refugee, rich, or highly educated (especially MDs), and that first one has been closing over the past few years.
I'm Canadian.