If it helps, most of this inter-instance drama comes from a surprisingly small group of people. I've blocked most of them (looks like I missed the OP here) and it's much quieter now. Looking at my block list, they're mostly from .world, but that could be due to the large population.
Sometimes people just want to share recipes without someone coming in to debate or criticize on the merits of their lifestyle, the validity of the recipe, issues they see in a movement, or really anything else.
While the Internet has been great for connecting people, it also connects you to people who don't understand or particularly care about "time and place". They seem to think their opinion is so worthwhile that they must share it, sometimes aggressively, with everyone, anywhere, even with those who actively do not want to hear it. When they are told no one wants to hear it, they often engage in lengthy mental gymnastics to justify why they're being censored instead of even considering taking any personal responsibility. God forbid one self reflect. This is you, by the way.
There are venues to criticize what you find problematic about contemporary veganism. This isn't one. We just want to share information without non-vegans flocking in to share their precious opinions. There are many other communities here you can use to share your opinion that are meant for such a purpose. Pick one and go there instead of fighting with the people who don't want to hear yours.
For anyone wondering what the "critique" was:
It's also bullshit as it has no bearing on the actual properties of the chips. Manufacturers use these as product names. Here's an article discussing it.
You're not really this stupid, right? This has to be satirical.
Many public restrooms in Iceland are unisex. These apes wouldn't last one road trip.
The protest from the far left against banning it is even stranger in light of this.
What's strangest is those protests only exist in propaganda 'news' media.
I highly doubt she's a feminist, for what it's worth.
And then everyone clapped. Their name? Alberts Einstein.
Sure is a nice straw man you built for yourself to jerk off over.
I cannot count how many times I have asked a user if they'd reset their system to which they'd respond yes. Then I'd check uptime and find it was days or weeks.