Stop buying exclusively AAA games then. They rarely try anything new and their primary design goals are to get you hooked so you buy more crap.
You are adding or removing a letter sound if horse rhymes with sauce.
Uhh yeah no. I was on reddit for over a decade and the anti-american circle jerk (that is alive and kicking on lrmmy, btw) became much worse over the last few years.
Lemmy loves to pretend it's culturally superior to reddit, but now we've just concentrated the elitists and political extremists into a smaller pool of users.
I get what you're saying, but calling any position a cook at McDonald's is uhh...generous.
Oh, you are illiterate. Ok then.
....are you illiterate? That's exactly what I said.
Cheese on bread isn't pizza.
It did, I set out to let it be known that I think these people are morons and so far its been a great success. A couple minor setbacks, but nothing we can't overcome!
Propaganda plus having the intellectual capacity of a middle schooler while being assumed to be a reasonable person
....did I somehow suggest that i was trying to be productive with that statement?
Any r sound at all in sauce is adding a sound. If you notice it doesn't have an r.