If you want, take a deeper look into the *max events and you'll find that being dirty is the least surprise.
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Es leuchten nur die Pixel, die auch was zu sagen haben (oled Fraktion). Aber nach deinem ausführlichen post und zunehmend schlechter werdenden Augen nehme ich das als Anregung es nochmal neu zu testen!
Just simple common sense, nothing more.
If I can do something considered good or beneficial for others why shouldn't I? The other path would simply be egotistical.
Fair point.
My counter is: I don't think you necessarily do. A historian might have some insight on this.
I find false hope to be more damaging than not hoping but still trying.
And as to the why: because there are logical reasons to do so. It's the right thing. I think we might get into religious understanding here, which is a fascinating thing, you see.
Don't do that, don't give me hope.
While this seems like a sarcastic comment and quote we've been fooled too many times and lured with false hope and illusions of having an impact while being just held as slaves, more or less.
Edit: feel free to elaborate on down vote. I am just sick and tired of trying my best for the environment and getting my ass handed to me by mega corporations and additionally being blamed, too.
I don't think he has feelings about anything you mentioned (those are valid points though).
It's just image maintenance to him.
How stupid of the Romans then, right? Even that can be monetized.
Bread and circuses / panem et circenses. The Romans knew.
Ja das ist schon klar, aber nur sehr kurzfristig. Da hier aber unterschiedliche Zeiträume genannt wurden könnte ich mir vorstellen dass die Ergebnisse abweichen je nach Zeitraum.
Aus langer Erfahrung würde ich bei OPs Beschreibung auch auf inkompatibles /kaputtes RAM, slot oder schlimmstenfalls gar Mainboard tippen.
Man könnte ramdrives erstellen und mit Inhalten füllen und prüfsummen vergleichen...
Yes indeed. Upon seeing this thread I thought I need to add the information you added, but going from dick to thick does absolutely not improve the situation.