
joined 2 years ago
[–] Strider 1 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

I have several examples of this behavior in close range to me. You're right many don't know, turns out these devices are far too complex for many people (not blaming them).

And yes the op was provocative boomer bashing but with many things theres also truth inside. My post was building on that and I know people that literally can not hear you or eg the fire alarm either. It's really difficult.

[–] Strider 3 points 16 hours ago

We used to laugh about sidetalking... Now everyone does, as I call it, the sandwich. Holding flat in front of mouth.

[–] Strider -1 points 16 hours ago (2 children)

You know, the thing is THEY CANT HEAR VERY WELL NOW so they might not give a shit.

Greeting from the generation in between.

[–] Strider 1 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

That's a fair question which I have to cut a little short due to it being a huge topic:

The overhead of a full blown operating system you have to maintain is not a trivial thing. You have to update and maintain os, drivers and applications at least and it's directed at all purpose use in general. That means all of the above and games might or might not fit well to a handheld device. Even if it's maintained by a third party (eg Asus) there are many many moving parts that are all purpose. This might be a dialog box with unaccessible options you have to work around or games not working with the controls you need to fix and might never (for me steredenn on steam deck). You can however literally do what you want with it.

Compared to this a console is an optimized experience, golden cage. Things just work. Yes there might be the off chance but in general the producer has a system. 100% under their control and can test and optimize very well, which Nintendo debatably does.

[–] Strider 1 points 1 day ago
[–] Strider 17 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Well, just in case anyone had doubt of priorities.

[–] Strider 5 points 1 day ago (8 children)

Well Windows is a no for me on that. And while the steam deck is nice and the OS runs on the ally too, it's still a pc with all it's pros and cons.

(I use both worlds BTW)

[–] Strider 5 points 2 days ago

From experience I can (sadly!) tell you the effort and money goes up the longer it runs, especially if you keep the maintenance low.

[–] Strider 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Well that's what they invented companies for!

(ok well I know that wasn't the objective at the beginning but it was developed that way)

[–] Strider 13 points 3 days ago

Is that only city-wide in the US? Here in Europe we have international agreements..

[–] Strider 36 points 3 days ago

It's only slow for some. For others it's fast.

[–] Strider 2 points 3 days ago

Best answer here.

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