Nice! I wish my government was still part of the EU so I could contribute.
If anything comes from it, then it would be a great step for the future of gaming.
Nice! I wish my government was still part of the EU so I could contribute.
If anything comes from it, then it would be a great step for the future of gaming.
Wait... Who would "use" these used condoms?
Talking about it would be enough.
It would find it's way to a citizen that could make a difference.
There is a reason most modern dictatorships restrict access to the the Internet.
Not sure, but deadpools organs almost definitely have cancer in them
That's why it's a nuclear plant instead of a wind turbine /jk
I think I will have to disagree somewhat. Difficultly should change how you play, not how long. Needing to Grind better gear is not respecting the players time.
That said there are games I did enjoy the grind, "the world ends with you" is one of them, but that is a case of earning new ways to play in most cases.
I use "honestly" or "to be honest" myself sometimes.
It's a simple way to convey "I'm going to give you a risky or unpopular opinion. Can be unpopular with you personally, or for public in general. But either way I value the honesty of sharing that opinion over the unpopularity it will cause"
I can see why you would hate it. it wouldn't be unusual for people to share bigoted/sexist/violent opinions on subjects they should keep to themselves.
I'm sorry to hear about your son, and I apologise if my comment brought up some difficult memories.
For me, it was my best friends funeral and his family had an insufferablely god-fearing priest speaking for part of it who knew him from his childhood. He was telling stories were "he found God", "god has now welcomed him" and "he now knows God's love". I don't recall exactly what he said word for word, I just remember quietly seething throughout his whole speech and also afterwards my other best friends were venting that the whole thing was disrespectful to his memory.
My friend wasn't religious in the slightest. it felt like a complete stranger trying to convince a room of grieving people comforting lies that he is "in a better place", when it was clear he didn't know him at all.
"God loves you" is fine for me. they are usually simply wishing us happiness in their own way (sure it can be passive-aggressively throw to people they call "sinners" too).
What I really despise is "god has a plan" as words of comfort.
A plan for fucking what? Noahs ark V2? cleverly getting around the "promise not to flood the earth" clause by having greedy assholes pollute the earth in his stead ?
"Ah little 4 year old Andrew would fuck up my plans, better give him cancer... Hm, let's hit Jane with a truck just incase"
I don't appreciate that you somehow think a magic man in the sky planning something so cruel would be of any comfort to me.
We both "have issues" its why we are on the adhd community. But "Obsession with authority"? Hardly.
It's a healthy respect for a profession that takes a lot of hard work and talent to get into.
All you've done is complain they are "stupid", they only reject treatment due to bigotry, that an average Joe can somehow compete with 8 years of dedicated study. That universities are "degree factories" All without proof as if it is self-evident.
This isn't healthy scepticism, it's borderline conspiracy theory territory rooted in mistrust for the establishment. You are trying to shoot down my arguments by stating the whole system is corrupt and cannot be trusted. To me this blind mistrust mirrors the anti-vax sentiment. if you don't want to be compared then don't go implying that the whole medicine industry is out to get you.
There are idiots in every profession. What's your point? That doctors would need to be idiots too? Maybe, but the difference between other professions would be overwhelmingly on the smart side of things. Also; Doctors could be idiots but that doesn't mean they aren't specialised in their fields. I heard it is not uncommon for a doctor to have difficulties with taxes or cooking, but that doesn't necessarily translate to bad medical practice, because if it did, they couldn't be doctors as they would be kicked out. Bad doctors happen, sometimes human errors/mistakes happen, but not at the rate that you can disregard any medical advice from them.
You would need a better "proof" than that if you are going to prove that most doctors opinions are not to be respected.
Basics are not enough to do advanced work. Practicing medicine is probably one off the most advanced work you can do.
Regardless if the number of doctors is artificially lowered or not; It's still competitive. Meaning higher quality candidates are a survival pressure. So unless you got some more conspiracy theories for how a "moron" is picked over a good doctor, then there is no arguing that the majority is qualified for the position.
A lay person is not trained to research. Not taught on critical thinking skills, not trained on symptoms to look out for, heck some people don't know how to use a computer. They shouldn't be given the chance to hurt themselves through silly self-medication advice and shame on you for encouraging it.
Hell it is even recommended that doctors do not self-diagnose, and they certainly are not allowed to prescribe themselves class-B drugs whenever they want. No way a layman should.
If a medical professional doesn't trust his own bias to cloud his judgment, you shouldn't either.
"He who represents himself has a fool for a client." this same principle applies to medicine as well.
I hope you stop self medication, and seek proper medical advice. However we both know your stubbornness won't let you. Even if a registered doctor came in this forum to convince you it is dangerous you would ignore him. regardless of what qualifications the person convincing you has you would stick to your opinion.
This is particularly frustrating to me as from my point of view you could hurting yourself slowly, both mentally and physically, and I worry this is affecting your life in ways you can't objectively see.
I can't stop you from doing this to yourself, but I can ask you to stop giving this advice out to avoid other people hurting themselves.
Sure "WATER" looks dull if written in boring Arial 10 font with caps lock, but if you add a bit of pizzazz it would look fine as a tattoo. Esp. If you are a non-English speaker.