I can’t wait I see how they reposes the leg extensions.
If your third party doesn’t run candidates in local or state elections, it’s not a real political party.
Republicans gave up on writing and voting on a party platform because dementia Don can’t decide what he’s for or against, or at least unable to articulate it in any way that isn’t just sane-washing.
They literally don’t stand for anything anymore except whatever his latest ramblings are.
This process was already started by Biden, back in Oct 2022.
Also, fuck the magistrate judge who signed off on this. Nobody ever expected the police to be anything more than children looking to throw rocks, but the system was made so that the judicial branch has to approve things and be the adults.
I think that it’s more impressive to identify something that’s only 6.9x the size of earth, given that the smaller it is the harder it would be to detect.
Gabe Newell, the founder of Valve (Steam) had this to say
"Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem"
So many people are willing to pay if it’s a good experience. But if the experience sucks, people with money will find a better service, which in many cases ends up being free. If I wanted to have ads dumped everywhere while I watch videos, there are services that offer that “experience” for free.
It’s easier to get a warrant for his arrest from a grand jury for manslaughter because it doesn’t require motive, just a dead person. They can always upgrade that too murder if the investigation turns up something.
Maybe start with python, either Django REST framework or FastAPI, and make a todo app. Start somewhere writing your own API and learn what the backend feels like, then when you work with other people’s API you’ll get what’s probably happening behind the scenes and know how to read between the lines with the incomplete documentation.
I’d also say take a look at GraphQL, that is another popular paradigm that’s related.
I saw Haitian migrants eating Bigfoot’s pets!