It is both. How did they get a billion for wwe? Surely tey pay for the rights?
Injust made the jump over, I know this is on my pc but I have no idea how to use it
I have never come across someone working for an american company in America that is on better benefits. Sure they have great sounding things and sometimes huge wages, at a high level the US pays more. But I speak to people who work 10 extra hours a week so the can take five days altogether in the summer. I have to take a two week block during the summer and I then have 3 wreks to play with after that
I am of the mindset that it isnt piracy if you own it. I have goldeneye in the attic on cardtridge, I also have it on my pc as is my right. I also support piracy though.
What single player experience? That is going to be a footnote going forward.
I have a pair of 3 year old Sony ones and they have never died or lost connection. The wired connection was great and I like that its there but these issues aren't realistic, especially given they charge through the same unit as your phone most often.
Possibly? Its how things are installed in the field, if it as spec or not. We trained it on thousands of examples of right and wrong and now its reliable
Just the console works is the brag here? Retro consoles are incredibly popular. Xbox might just suck
It worked well, it just had the capacity to upscale when the tech made it.
Like having one car and owning a two car garage, it doesnt not work but it does give you options.
That waffled a bit though.
Similarly the Bear had a boring season this year because it got stretched out. Victims of their own success.
There are multiple multiple useful implementations. They might not be ethical and cost people jobs but there are loads of smaller projects in use. We use it to analyse pictures of completed work to ensure it is to standard, has been working great and passed all audits.
Damn I need to change server so