
joined 2 years ago
[–] Squizzy -1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

And so whatnif those ramifications are further genocide? At leastnyou got to be right?

Their stance on Gaza was deplorable but there has been zero benefit from their loss.

[–] Squizzy -4 points 4 days ago (8 children)

Ok so your choices are between notnopposing genocide or notnopposing genocide even more. For instance would the man commiyting the genocide send you a gold plated pager to commemorate their terrorism? Thats a good litmus test. Would your leader post AI gen pics of themselves and the genocide leader on a beach in the ethnically cleanser area?

Thisnisnt apples to apples to Gaza/Ukraine will rap te benefits of the lazy american voter.

[–] Squizzy 0 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I didnt say give up but holding up a sign saying we said we wouldnt do this isnt accomplishing much. The constitution hasnt amounted to much.

[–] Squizzy -1 points 4 days ago

What are you on about, I am far left. The analogy was that Ibwould bote for a bad thing, american democrats, against a disgusting cruel thing, the american right.

[–] Squizzy 0 points 4 days ago

They're not my party and I am totally not in support of the genocide or ethnic cleansing. I would sooner see a demilitarised Israel returning to their originally agreed borders.

[–] Squizzy -2 points 5 days ago

Their desktop apps suck though. Opening two ecels requires a fucking IT qualification. As in IT had to change admin settings to allow it to happen in our company.

[–] Squizzy 0 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Who ever heard of inequality in america, seems this passage was walked on pretty quickly after being put to paper.

[–] Squizzy 6 points 5 days ago

Graphics are only part of it, with the power that is there I am disappointed in the low quality put to rrlease. I loved Jedi survivor, a brilliant game but it was terribly optimised. I booted it today and had nothing but those assest loading flashes as walls and structures in my immediate vicinity and eyeline flashed white into existence.

Good games arent solely reliant om graphics but christ if they dont waste what they have. Programmers used to push everything to the max, now they get away with pushing beta releases to print.

[–] Squizzy 4 points 5 days ago

Which is putins plan but its their fault for falling for it. They get what they deserve, I only hope w see Russia fall too.

[–] Squizzy 2 points 5 days ago

Ive been looking for a mitre saw, was just about to pull the trigger on a dewalt xr piece, looking at adapting all new tools to use existing dewalt batteries instead. Wont buy american while they carry themselves like this. I dont buy Russian either, same principle.

[–] Squizzy -3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

He absolutely did, he is a major piecenof shit for his comments. But Trump wants to ehnically cleanse and open up a Hilton and Nobu . Its just far worse, would I vote for my mother to die? No but id vote against her rape murder and parading of her corpse through the streets.

[–] Squizzy 2 points 5 days ago

Im not advocating murder, its fascists who will limit protests and strikes. If you adhere to the rule of law you will quickly see protections removed to keep you penned in.

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