It is kinda comfy. Rats just keep squirming by so it can be spooky
No, I'm in the hole help
I'm stuck in that hole can someone help
Oh god I had escaped the apes for so long here
Is this where they took inspiration from for halo? Lol my first thought seeing this was the halo AR
I've been strongly considering getting a second cat!! This pic is awesome. I just don't know how my cat would like another one. I hope they would end up chilling together like this
Yup. I use THC, CBD, and CBG everyday. Trust me, I don't want any of this. But I wouldn't be able to hold a job and be bed ridden without them and as per my neurologist and rheumatologist there isn't any sign that my pain will change for years to come. It's also different when you take them for chronic pain than recreationally. I don't get high off them, I just get pain relief. It's hard to get a high when you're in constant debilitating pain
Who tf let me live past 3 with this face
Thank you, I appreciate it. I hope you have a great holiday
Meh. First Christmas since my full chronic pain has hit and knowing it's not going away and the issues that arise with it. On the upside, I met with a new pain management doctor today and he actually cared for me. He is switching me from hydrocodone to oxycodone and told me that he is willing to up my dose a lot in the next few months because he doesn't want to see a 26 year old be stuck in his apartment for another year due to pain. So that was a light in a very dark tunnel. As happy as I can be at the moment but my happiness is limited. One of those I'll believe he will help me as much as he says when I see it the next few months. But, the switch is very hopeful in itself. Hopefully next Christmas I'll be able to go on walks longer than one mile without having to deal with the miserable consequences under his pain regimen.
My P8 battery has improved a LOT. Not only that, but thermals are much better
This is breaking my brain