No worries! It was shared with me (on here I think) so I'm just spreading the love ๐
I was imagining some kind of operation so why not a dental one! It's certainly got enough teeth
Thanks for your reply, it seems like there are still some parts of it that have relevance which is interesting to hear.
Yeah I don't believe the author claims it's universal experience, more like some strong trends they've noticed working with their clients. I see it myself in a lot of gay men that I've known as well with pride and brittle egos. But again it's not universal.
That's an interesting point about the inherent bias in there. His clients are defintely going to be from a very specific demographic, I don't fall into that and neither do most people I know who've read it and we've all got something from it.
Good to know that there's still some relevance!
Yeah I had the same thing with liftoff this morning. Clearing my cache and data then signing back in fixed it for me
As a millennial this made me laugh far to much.
Congrats! Glad you had a good time. Care to share any of the pictures you took? No worries if not!
We've got a couple of prides coming up in our town and I'm looking forward to being in the parades.
Yeah I had a similar issue and I think it was to do with the hack that happened. I deleted all my cache and app data, signed back in again and no problems since.
I knew it would be this video! Thanks for giving me another watch
Yes! This is a great episode and a real highlight of ds9. Colm Meaney is just a really solid actor overall and it's good to get to see him show off.
The tension that builds up in the episode and the effect it has on all his relationships, not just with his wife and daughter, is great to watch
Really like these! And I don't mind the words, it's nice to have some context