Go on, you can't call me dumb and not go into more detail
The way I see it is NSA have backdoors, Russian, British, Australia and Canadian etc agencies will also have backdoors, what's one more?
I'm a big fan of Huawei products. Incredible build quality and reasonable prices. I personally don't care if the CCP spies on me so it's not a big issue for me.
This is just speculation, but I'm pretty sure Microsoft stopped caring about people pirating windows and using licences they shouldn't have. They would rather you use windows as a pirate than not use windows at all.
It's not complicated just follow the instructions 😂
Well kinda but not really, he owns around 4% of Reddit which is where the $193m comes from because of the $5b valuation.
Still, fuck spez
Imagine if steam sold movies and TV shows
Obviously IANAL but I suppose this arguement can be used in UK courts citing the European court
Sure I just need your email
You made me chuckle. But let's all agree that learning to use git is a ball ache and isn't very intuitive. Throw repositories into the mix and lay people just aren't gonna get it. I think using git should be taught in highschool IT classes though, most people will never use it, but it will massively help those who do need to learn it.
It's not that I've given in, I just simply do not care. But I respect the right to a users privacy and will happily fight to get that right for people. I personally just do not care however. I don't really know why, It's just not something that bothers me