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[–] Son_of_dad 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I was part of my city's biggest indoor crowd "WrestleMania 18" and was part of my city's largest outdoor crowd "Toronto rocks SARS benefit". There's really nothing like being front row while AC/DC belts out Thunderstruck, with over 600,000+ jumping and singing along. The crowd at Skydome when the Rock and Hulk Hogan wrestled was insane too, the whole building shook

[–] Son_of_dad 59 points 1 month ago

Original star wars was filmed in London with Union extras and actors from the area. There weren't many if any black actors in those unions back then. Lucas didn't realize till later that there were no black people, and became so dismayed that he hired James Earl Jones. He even created a black character Lando to rectify the error.

Calling Lucas a racist is so silly. His only other directing credit post star wars, was a movie about black airmen. Btw, Lucas is also married to a black woman.

[–] Son_of_dad 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Europeans showed up, saw these cities and were like "what a bunch of savages" wtf


[–] Son_of_dad 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Fun fact, this guy is an ex wrestler named Ryback. I say ex wrestler because even though he's not retired, nobody will hire him. He's bat shit crazy.

[–] Son_of_dad 3 points 1 month ago

You know the reason. Money

[–] Son_of_dad 8 points 1 month ago (6 children)

She's been suffering sexism for a long time. When bill was fucking around and cheating on her in the 90s, people were straight up blaming her for it. They were also being horrible to Monica L, while giving bill a wink and a nod for being a dude. The problem is that she took that and instead of making herself a softer, sympathetic and likable politician, she just doubled down on being harsh and unlikable.

[–] Son_of_dad 16 points 1 month ago

Cause she's a jackass

[–] Son_of_dad 60 points 1 month ago (7 children)

The economy.

I'm a laborer. When the economy is bad, my cost of living goes up and the price of food goes up.

When the economy is great, my cost of living goes up and the price of food goes up.

The only people affected by a positive economy seem to be the people wealthy enough to have stock portfolios and large shares in corporations. It doesn't affect me as a laborer in any positive way ever.

[–] Son_of_dad 8 points 1 month ago

"We're hitting the drive thru on the way, we ain't had nothing but maggoty bread FOR THREE STINKING DAYS!"

[–] Son_of_dad 9 points 1 month ago

It's crazy that the party that opposes charity towards the homeless, is all good about charity for the criminal wealthy

[–] Son_of_dad 18 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It's all an act. Libertarians are just Republicans who don't want to admit it. They'll boo him publicly, but they will vote for him

[–] Son_of_dad 52 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Well if they're libertarians, they're gonna openly boo him while secretly voting for him.


I always browse trailers for new movies and shows, and I've noticed recently that I've been getting a lot of ads for trailers I think are for animated movies, but are actually for comic books. Anyways, I find it so weird and a bit annoying. Is a video trailer really a good way to market a book?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Son_of_dad to c/fakehistoryporn

Ashton Kutcher seems to have jumped full force into the beginning of the meetoo movement, like a person. Who was trying really hard to not be accused.

I believe his entire anti human trafficking organization was built to deflect accusations and blame over what he knew about and Danny Masterson. Ashton has shown zero support for Danny's accusers, even though they are all women he personally knows. Even after his guilty verdict, Ashton refuses to shun Masterson and continues to say shit like "I can never know for sure" and uses that to continue to hang out with the rapist, at least before he was jailed.

Ashton was being neutral and waiting for a verdict you say? Was he that neutral about all the people his organization arrested for human trafficking? Did he give all those arrested the benefit of the doubt and a "we can't know" before they were convicted? No, he only seems to have that wait and see attitude about his buddy Danny.

These rapes occurred over a long time, to women Ashton knew, so imo there's no way he didn't know or at least hear the rumors.

Ashton Kutcher is a hypocrite, and continues to back his rapist friend, while trying to act like he actually cares about victims, which he doesn't.

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