
joined 2 years ago
[–] Snickeboa -3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Then remove the ”r” in ”-cr”? The .app is like a special zip file or something if I remember correctly. Not a directory

[–] Snickeboa 1 points 1 year ago

Utöver ergonomin i en stol så kan ju träning spela roll. Du nämner att du joggar vilket är bra för hjärtat och konditionen etc. Men just ryggen och höfterna mår nog bra av mer styrketräning och flexibilitet. Är verkligen inte särskilt kunnig inom det så kan inte ge mer specifika tips, men kan vara värt att kolla på.

[–] Snickeboa 1 points 1 year ago

The automatic system theme only works when starting the app fresh / after closing it and opening it again. It won’t “hot swap” between dark and light mode as other apps does.

[–] Snickeboa 5 points 2 years ago

I just deleted my Reddit account of 12 years. RIP

[–] Snickeboa 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

The two that came to mind was the ones you brought up. Especially “By Three They Came”. I didn’t understand at first where it was going. But as soon as I understood that it ties into the intro cinematic I was floored!

But there’s a quest chain in Zarbinzet where a girl is possessed, which was quite cool.

[–] Snickeboa 2 points 2 years ago

Yeah. But you got the gist of it. He's probably not going to get "sex" recognized as a sport anytime soon. Also, I wouldn't be surprised is this sex contest of his is going to get shut down before its held - depending on how he has organized it.

[–] Snickeboa 7 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I have heard it on multiple occasions in Swedish podcasts. Apart from the the other response you got with a source from the Swedish Sports Confederation, I found you some news articles on it. They are in Swedish, since it’s the source.

Here’s his first inquiry to get it classified as a sport: And here’s on the sex event he wants to hold:

He’s known for these kinds of things in Sweden. He has gotten in a fight with McDonald’s over logo infringement with his strip club sign:

[–] Snickeboa 4 points 2 years ago (4 children)

What do you mean?

Drayan Bratych has applied to the Swedish Sports Confederation for his organization to be officially recognized. They have not done so yet and said that they don’t intend to prioritize it or something along those lines.

So it’s not official I’m any way, but what’s described is what Drayan intends to have the “sport” be.

[–] Snickeboa 2 points 2 years ago

Yeah that was what Stadia was supposed to be. Didn't read the article here, but I guessed that they were looking to implement some of Stadias features into Youtube. Which was what my comment was based on.

[–] Snickeboa 4 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Imagine that. Just going on YouTube, searching for a game, pick up your controller and just play. Like no installation and no loading times. That sounds like the future! But yeah, I guess there are some issues that needs to be ironed out before we’re there.

[–] Snickeboa 18 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Has there been a new beta publish since the original dev left?

[–] Snickeboa 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I thought that both raising a skeleton and using corpse explosion consumed a corpse. I know for sure that corpse explosion generates essence for me. And I’m 90% sure that raise skeleton does as well.

However, corpse tendrils does not consume a corpse.


So there’s this guy in YouTube who’s following the progress of the cow level search. Really exciting stuff!

The initial video: The update:

Anybody here who’s participating in the search? Have anyone here gotten any of the items presented in the video?

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