I would love to switch off gboard, but really need it to support the following:
seamless switching between spanish and english (for duolingo) Emoji support some form of Gifboard.
Anyone know if this supports that?
I would love to switch off gboard, but really need it to support the following:
seamless switching between spanish and english (for duolingo) Emoji support some form of Gifboard.
Anyone know if this supports that?
I really, really wish the "alt left" was in control of the DNC, instead of the "middle, bordering on rightwing" that is in control.
I'm against cruel and unusual punishments... but in this case, subjecting them to their own torture devices seems appropriate.
what the actual fuck.
yea, i get a lot of these changes and lock downs suck, but i can also see why they are needed from a security stand point. Proper sand boxing, requiring permission to access to camera and microphone, ect all seem like good changes.
I had trouble with a couple fan made books. Usually it comes from the .epub being set up improperly, so that the chapters are not set properly, causing it to reload the whole book every page turn.
Havn't run into it with any purchessed .epubs
i absolutely love my Kobo Libra 2. I can connect to it via Usb C-C, and its fast without any of amazons BS
im happy with "imagine not being a far right, and using twitter in 2024"
i assume thats a fake stone toss? darn its gold!
wouldnt that be great! some local citizen should sue an airline, using this bill, for affecting the climate.
really been enjoying Varlamore P1. Looking forward to P2. Nothing in these notes seems to give me the details i crave though.