Both of those functions have been available via key fob for at least a decade, no internet required. Though yes the range on that can be limited.
I think one major difference is feathers - we have not had feathers show up in any mammalian mutations or evolutions that I know of. We went a different direction, with the fur and all. So even if fast tracking wings were possible I think that would involve some kind of fur covering and different adaptation for flight more akin to bats.
Another major hiccup is - fast tracked uncontrolled evolution, aka genetic mutation, without the controls/failsafes (such as non-viable mutated animals dying out and failing to breed) just equates to cancer…
We mammals are pretty far (~65 million years) diverged from birds, so you’d probably be looking at more of a bat style wing or flying squirrel gliding skin mechanism than anything feathered.
In the last few decades yes probably
I’m sure the conservatives will continue trying to figure out a way to push it to withering and crumbling… they definitely tried to sell off/privatize chunks of them in the past but the level of outrage they were met with has put those ideas to bed for the time being
Then subsidize the farmers by the amount you were paying them to not harvest the food ? They don’t make any money when they aren’t selling it at all either, without this intervention…
Is there no SPCA or other dog rescue in your area? Research them a bit and then notify one
They probably did that to try to learn more about their longevity and habits
In what way?
Politics? Human behaviour? Nature? Gravity?
I just read a lot, if I have a specific question about a behaviour i witnessed, I google it and read Reddit and quora threads about how people explain this behaviour, then go with the most logical or most frequent answer as a probable explanation
Also pugs, or Scottish fold cats… and those are creatures we love and keep as pets, not even livestock, and we still do it
Invade, really?
“Apex predator that rarely approaches humans spends time in its natural habitat which it occupied for millions of years prior to the existence of humans”
Literal raw produce gets recalled quite frequently too..