Misleading title. He got arrested for climbing up on a stage and not leaving until the cops arrested him as part of a plan to bring attention to his words.
I think he was successful though
Misleading title. He got arrested for climbing up on a stage and not leaving until the cops arrested him as part of a plan to bring attention to his words.
I think he was successful though
When the nazis took over France the vast majority people who joined the resistance were children, teenagers, and some unemployed. Nearly everyone who had any assets or wealth flopped and followed their new laws, including turning in their neighbours and assisting the genocide.
This was written in the autobiography of the resistance leader, Jacques Lusseyran, who was a blind child who personally vetted everyone joining the resistance.
Surely now that the average American has access to limitless information and organizing capabilities and access to a well armed populace they won’t fall to the same fate…
That must’ve been some rank wine
Didn’t notice this was a Linux thread till after you comment 😅 I hope this works out for you all because I was thinking of switching to Mint when Win10 stops getting security updates in October
I should note I’m also playing on Windows 10
The beta is silky smooth on my rig, but then again I have a 4070 super
I remember Iceborne had issues, so they’ve improved somewhat. Really hoping the full game is at least as stable for me at launch
How about an opportunity for literally anyone else other than these losers. They’ve had their chance to make meaningful change for decades. Nanci Pelosi just made another killing on stocks recently btw - a real role model
You don’t really believe there will be elections again, do you?
As long as you’re having fun mate! I will say, the music is FANTASTIC!
Almost forgot to mention that you’ll also need to suffer through 5000 thoughtless lines of dialogue about how great and inspiring your companions find you no matter what dialogue option you choose. Pure banality.
Metaphor was way more formulaic than I expected. The second half was a slog because they follow a rigid structure that ends up more linear than Persona despite what the travel system would lead you to think.
There’s usually only one viable activity to do each day and the side quests are structured in a way that you can do them all each chapter with one ‘trip’. Okay time for your regularly structured dungeon with undeniably evil villain to defeat at the end. Nothing you haven’t seen in persona 30 times already.
Other than that the ‘political’ aspect of the game was ‘pick the most vanilla and uncontroversial choice at every opportunity and luckily you are always the good guy and the world will contrive itself around giving you this status.’
Honestly, I regret paying full price.
Didn’t watch the video but isn’t it just authoritarianism in general?