God damnit, I was just starting to get into this. Why does it always feel like the production accountants use the niche fan boys to justify cancelling an expensive show that actually has a chance....
YOU SHALL NOT CASH me...... Oh, alright then, let's hit the ATM.
Not so sure about that. I'm actually surprised at the number of people that I would never have imagine, that have started to pirate. Maybe it's just anecdotal, but I have a feeling that we are going to start to see updated versions of " YOU WOULDN'T STEAL..." PSA ads for the cloud era.
Damn. This is why my recent steps in Steam, after seeing a good sale is: does it have Denuvo? Do I need to install a separate launcher? Is the discount worth it?....
Yep. A PCI DSS update plus the credit card corps would have to allow something like un-chipped virtual cards to be accepted (to be clear there are virtual cards already, but just not attached to wireless pay). At this point both Apple and Samsung don't want to lose this revenue , so yeah it's a real bummer.
So did he shoot a bunch of songs and pages of description too?... Cool, cool I mean I'd pay to see Tom Bombadil got shot in the dick ...
God damnit, I might trade in Pastafarianism for Satanism, those hell cock suckers seem so much cooler....
I would be happy to have King sign my Moonlight bay books (C'mon Koonts get the third one out!). But only if he signs it " ...needs more underage orgies -signed Stephen King."
Learning and hoping a Pi hole will combat our two fire TVs ads.
You unmitigated POS for insulting on all those that died on your watch, you cancerous dog anus of human being.
I can neither confirm nor deny....
God damn mega troll... Gotta admire the legendary mind fuckery against for both sides though.