A flat rate typically implies a set percentage of income, regardless of how much you make, with no breaks or reductions.
So, a 10% flat rate on someone who only makes $30,000 is $3000, while the guy who makes $5,000,000 pays $500,000.
A flat rate typically implies a set percentage of income, regardless of how much you make, with no breaks or reductions.
So, a 10% flat rate on someone who only makes $30,000 is $3000, while the guy who makes $5,000,000 pays $500,000.
Stardew Valley, Balatro, Kingdom Come: Deliverance or Medieval Dynasty.
Back and forth... Back and forth... I'm beginning to feel like Sisyphus!
Ignoring the obvious flaw of throwing out the importance of infinity here, they would be exceedingly unlikely but technically not unable. A random occurrence is just as likely to happen on try number 1 as it is on try number 10 billion. It doesn't become any more or less likely as iterations occur. This is an all too common failure of understanding how probabilities work.
True, it's not exactly like they care about real proof.
While this is a shit move by whoever is doing this, it makes virtually no difference for the presidential election. WA electoral votes are winner-takes-all, and always go Dem. A few burned boxes won't come close in making a difference for president, Biden won by almost a million votes in the last one. It will probably have a decent effect on local elections though.
LG or Sony TV, never connected to the internet, with an Nvidia shield. There is nothing better at the moment.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was a political bias between people who are and aren't willing to answer phone calls and participate in polls.
Be angry at the sun for setting If these things anger you.
-Robinson Jeffers
Makes me sad where they ended up, such a great album.
Zeus & Poseidon
I actually can't believe they're trying to sell that place for that much. Ritzville has literally nothing going on and it's in the middle of nowhere.