Everyone as rich as him has connections to Hitl- damn I mean Putin. Let them burn. Let them all burn in Russia until they get a hold of their country against those corrupt bastards.
Cutting is meant literally here. Cut in half by a train.
Minors are not allowed to play during specific times and only for a set amount per day. That's probably why it asks thr info. It'll prolly be sent off to some state-owned server to keep track of its citizens.
:( *Me living in EUROPE
Merge conflict
Ein Streik unter den Programmierern würde dann in die Geschichte eingehen: "Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand."
"grown old" Never will I stop gaming. No matter my position. No matter my status.
Not investment banker but IT-Company Executive here.
We're in the same boat then.. stay strong buddy!
Das überrascht mich jetzt weniger.. immerhin ist es das Land des Söders. Das Klima macht ja vor Söder halt und nicht andersrum.
Cries in Europe TT_TT
I was mashing the button on the Purchase page for 20 straight minutes until I eventually got through to the payment site. I felt like a monkey in a social experiment.
Es schmerzt immer wieder aufs neue diese Sätze mit "Desto..." Oder "Umso..." zu hören.