Globally the average life expectancy is ~73.5 so mid/upper 30s is essentially middle aged.
If it helps; my dad was mid 40s when I was born. We have a great relationship. He still would take time to play catch with me and all the general dad things despite being older. You still have plenty of time if you want kids!
How?! How can they stand it themselves and not feel like they're being blinded?
While I think Linus can be way too whiny at times. I think he handled the situation well if everything stated is true. He made it clear on his forum that they terminated the partnership/sponsorship. He could have made a 'more public statement (e.g., a video on ltt)' but as he stated, viewers probably would have raked him over the coals for doing so. It likely would have been perceived as 'oh no! Honey stole money from me but gave you a discount. Woe is me.'
He still is too whiny as of the last few years but as a small business (very small; ~20 employees) owner myself, I kind of get it. I go out of my way to try to give my employees the best possible experience but sometimes people think I'm just taking advantage of them (despite me paying my full-time employees 1.5x my pre-tax take home rate). So I kind of get why he acts that way at times. Now, I don't condone it, but I understand.
Edit I love what Steve from GN is doing. I reported the honey extension when this news initially came out. I have supported all his pro consumer reports/actions.
I had a terrible run of sinus infections last year so I've been using a humidifier and been checking the humidity in the house daily this winter. What percent range do you find is ideal?
17 C here as well. I used to find it comfortable but as I get older, I'm needing more and more clothes or blankets. I blame my thinning hair.
Same. I came on with the original Google play music. I can't believe that was nearly 13 years ago... Oh how I miss Google play music.
Plus 1 for Ahoy! So happy he seems to be back making videos a bit more consistently.
IIRC they sold and shipped 2 generations of CPUs that were essentially defective and unrepairable.
They feed their young through regurgitation so they do have the ability! Now can it be projected at a distance? Hopefully someone can inform us lol.
I got back into drumming about a year ago after a 10 year hiatus. Give it a try sometime and you might get hooked again like me. Warning though; I was terrible initially getting back into it but now I feel like I'm even better than I was before.