Looks like you created your own instance, do you know of a guide for what that entails and the requirements for doing so? I doubt I do it but would be interesting to look into.
I wasn't able to see the posts from the community as it has been removed, but the comments in that community from you point to the possibility that it was inflammatory.
A response from an instance moderator should help clarify the reasoning though.
Might be a good spot for one of the instance moderators to chime in. Not sure if it's appropriate to tag them in posts like this but it might be a nice spot to provide a clear explanation that others can point to for future examples of this type of removal.
I didn't see anything about misinformation in the CoC but one of them might have felt the community was inflammatory. It'll also be interesting to see if this is one of those things they just don't want on their instance. While we would like impartial instances in general, they are running it for us and Lemmy is likely in a limbo period of trying to establish precedence for what is allowed.
One of the reasons I wanted to follow this post is to hopefully get an even clearer explanation on what is allowed and what to expect going forward from this instance.
Yep, this is my Lemmy request for "how do I get my popcorn ready?"
This seems like a good spot to ask: is there a way to follow a post and get updates?
This seems like it might end up being an interesting conversation.
The nice thing about this right now is that you don't need to feel witty or creative to post stuff as long as it fits the community you're in. There aren't enough people to compete with for posts to get attention, that's the main attraction to smaller social media environments: you feel like you matter more.
Yep, I think I created the community yesterday morning. No idea how the sync with kbin works yet, but hopefully it works fine.
No idea if Vaughn steps up or is a JAG but this is the year for him to show up if he does.
I really hope they get Rahmir involved more this season again. He could be a great change of pace back.
I just started a Bucs community if you'd like to join:
I'm also hoping Rachaad takes the next step, it'll be interesting to see how he handles a heavier workload with Fournette gone.
I'm still getting a feel for how all of this works together, so I haven't bothered blocking any communities yet. Were you just seeing those while browsing Local/All? I tend to stick to Subscribed unless I'm going adventuring for new stuff.
Did you not watch Jurassic Park??