
joined 2 years ago
[–] Savaran 0 points 1 year ago

About time.

[–] Savaran 14 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I wish I could get my cat to bring the toys back after she stalks them

[–] Savaran 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

1password protects against this by combining the password you choose with a cryptographically random 128bit “secret key”. That one isn’t getting brute forced easily.

They document their vault security highly and it’s worth reading through.

[–] Savaran 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The point is this isn’t a quick thing. Go long enough in an environment as a regular and you’ll feel safer and more able to open up.

But if you’re going to argue with the advice provided then why ask?

[–] Savaran 4 points 1 year ago (4 children)

So part of the coffee shop advice is true. Even if you feel it’s superficial to start. There’s actually a lot to be said for “fake it until you make it” type socialization. Showing up regularly at the same place, be kind to the staff, learn their names, and little by little you’ll find you start recognizing other regulars and the you. It’s okay for connections to start out not super real or deep, it still works those social muscles out. After that it’s just time investment.

[–] Savaran 1 points 1 year ago

Oh agreed. I think (if I’m right, I’m not a lawyer just a programmer who reads all this from a highly Apple centric technical background) it would make for a much improved messaging experience. Like this with RCS, I don’t care if Apple implements it themselves. I do think the carriers apps should though and those messages should just show up like any others in Messages. Same with say WhatsApp providing its messages. Ideally they’d handle their own encryption/keys/requirements basically externally to Messages itself, like many of the other apps that provide system wide extensions do.

Anyway here’s hoping 🤷‍♂️

[–] Savaran 18 points 1 year ago (4 children)

People keep getting messages the app and iMessage the protocol confused. While never written that way (as far as naming goes), I’ve seen nothing to indicate that the EU isn’t just saying that Messages the app doesn’t just need hooks to allow third party apps to integrate into the one interface. It’s about adding more bubble colors as it were. So stuff like WhatsApp would just pop up in the same feed over whatever protocol it uses.

[–] Savaran 40 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Right? The scooters are only in the sidewalks because the cars actively make the roads dangerous for them. But here we are in a place that supposedly hates cars defending them against a very useful replacement for a huge amount of people.

[–] Savaran 1 points 1 year ago

The largest problem I see is that I would use reddit to keep up on local events, since at the time I preferred it to using Twitter or FB for the same. Now I avoid all three but the community that posted for the local stuff in my city didn’t move to Lemmy or Mastodon. I don’t have a way to post the local stuff myself because if I had a good way to keep track of it I wouldn’t have needed reddit for it in the first place!

Which I guess is just me unhappy that more of the communities didn’t move over, I really don’t have a solution to the problem. Other than continuing to engage here as often as I can and hoping for the best.

[–] Savaran 7 points 1 year ago

Honestly, then use it. The more folk using it, the more people will be contributing to it, the better it will get.

Like all open source projects, if people don’t want them to wither on the vine then people need to keep the projects active in any way they can.

[–] Savaran 20 points 1 year ago

Pretty sure a company with nearly a $3 TRILLON dollar market cap can afford to spend a few billion just trying things for kicks if they want. It doesn’t make it a failure, it makes it R&D.

[–] Savaran 20 points 1 year ago (1 children)

So don’t live in a city. But for those of us who do, and enjoy doing so, our cities shouldn’t be built to cater to you, they should be built around catering to those of us who enjoy living in them.

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