A less known problem is that charter schools are not allowed in the same pension program public schools are in. Many teachers may get screwed out of a retirement they haven't been fully vested in if the school they worked for suddenly becomes a charter school.
joined 1 year ago
He is just from France.
Literally my GF's side of the bed. 3 sharks and that exact fox from Cabela's. She feels attacked.
We got a stop light and the gas station changed families. The stop light took me by surprise and I nearly ran it the first time.
I just found out about this site from my local news that tracks ICE raids. https://juntosseguros.com/
It's community driven so it won't always be 100% accurate.
Link to the news article. https://www.wishtv.com/news/crime-watch-8/juntos-seguros-website-ice-raids/