If them buying it denied other legitimate buyers with the same purchasing power from doing so, then yes. A home is too unique a purchase to be scalped though. It's like art in that the house is the only 1 one available exactly like it. The same exact house built on a corner or further in on the block have different values.
2 pairs of the exact same sneaker treated the same from the same production run are practically identical. Market manipulation through scalping is the only method to raise it's price at the time of market sale.
Tickets have a limited duration they hold ANY value so their prices can be manipulated through scalping too.
Houses just shouldn't be in the same conversation.
There are as many houses as people want but not all the the quality or location they want. Manufactured homes can be dropped on lots for a fraction of the price. People live in the central valley and commute so they can have a home for much less. The world will never have everything everyone wants the way they want it. Thats not this world.