Wait...we are supposed to support our secret families? Shit, I thought you just got married had kids, and then moved to another state and changed your name when it got too hard lol.
He was also a mayor, I forgot that part. Navy seal, mayor, and a governor. Think of all the conspiracies he will blow wide open. Someone call June and Michael shits about to get real.
But he was a governor and a navy seal lol
Please please please please please please please pick Jesse Ventura. I would be ever so grateful if that were to come true.
Am I reading that correctly? The dog was a stray for 10 years. That pup has seen some shit.
"If you kill another 30,000 people we will be super mad and have some really big feelings about it."
Don't like it? Fuck you. Your greed is unconscionable and your hoarding of wealth is amoral and disgusting. In conclusion, fuck you.
He should have asked her why her party tanked their own bill. Is it because they don't really care about immigration and are dragging that poor girl's name around while doing absolutely nothing to fix the problem or is Greene just a stupid cunt? Maybe both? IDK I think it's time the left stops being nice and starts pushing the right's hypocrisy back in their face loudly and publicly.
Two Sublimes? What a world we live in! lol, Sublime with Rome should challenge Sublime Jr to a Sublime off. The winner takes all. I joke but I am kind of interested in Wilson and Gaugh's new Nowell, I liked Law and he sounds very similar.
Just for shits and giggles, Germany should invade Kaliningrad Oblast to help save the German-speaking population that was so ruthlessly cut off from Germany after the end of WWII. They could change the name back to Königsberg and then give it to Poland as a gift for that whole Lebensraum thing and you know the other stuff that my crazy racist neighbor Mike says is fake history.
Then Poland in a show of friendship and solidarity could gift it to Lithuania and they could go back to calling it Lithuania Minor. I think this is a solid plan that benefits the oppressed German speakers and re-unifies this long-lost region to its ancestral homelands. Also, throw something in there about stopping nazi governments and child trafficking just to be safe.
Supporting rapists is an expensive endeavor and Chubb is just the company to finance it.