I'd probably get fatter just out of spite.
-Gets fatter
-Has heart attack
-Friend: there it goes the fat f*****t
I'd probably get fatter just out of spite.
-Gets fatter
-Has heart attack
-Friend: there it goes the fat f*****t
You couldn't scroll past this meme without letting us know your music preferences, it must have been hard trying to resist the urge.
Nobody is going to adopt an aggressive dog, unless the refuge lies about it, as so often they do.
The pitbull breed can still be saved, we just have to consistently kill those who show aggressive behavior.
Edit: all right pitbulls are not all bad,some of them are even brave, I heard a story of how one died, a kid was trapped in a burning house, the pitbull seeing that, bravely broke into the house, so it could maul a child one more time.
Don't be a a bigot, one baby snack once in a while and pities are the most peaceful animals on earth, did I already told you that they are nanny dogs? Anyways just put a crown flower on them, the smell of flowers helps with the bloodlust.
I don't think the gospels depicted real events I think the whole thing is someone trying to explain a concept or a philosophical or metaphysical idea.
It's not that magic doesn't exist, it's just that our current spells and rituals are rudimentary.
I crash the world economy
The bug in the eye is a classic, I just wanted to feel the air on my face.
I never understood the " I'm so badass I'm going to ride without the only thing that can prevent my skull from cracking like an egg" I guess live fast die young, but in the event you don't die the only way we will know where your mouth is, it will be following the feeding tube.
Anyways safe rides dude.
What are you even crying about? I'm not saying the person twitting is the deranged one, I'm referring to those "centrist" who unironically spout the "both sides" narrative
Hunger in capitalism is not about famines, it's about mass produced cheap food full of sodium, sugar and chemicals, yes people are feed but at the cost of obesity and other health problems, it's about farmers pushed to plant specific crops to the detriment of the environment and the land, pushed to buy seeds from Monsanto and punished if they dare to plant their own crops.
People still are going hungry in the world, but not we're you can see it, and you will never see it, in your bubble of lights and advertisment.