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[–] RunawayFixer 5 points 3 months ago

According to a fact check article, Israel investigated themselves by such methods as not interviewing any of the victims, after which Israel found that Israel had done nothing wrong: If they didn't want to look suspicious as hell, then they sure failed.

Your article was from 2012. In 2013 the Israeli Ministry of Health ordered gynaecologists to stop the Depo Provera treatments if the patients did not understand what treatment they were getting. This also gets touched on in the fact check.

What the fact check doesn't mention is that the minister of health at that time was apparently a white supremacist: < Last year, the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who also holds the health portfolio, warned that illegal immigrants from Africa “threaten our existence as a Jewish and democratic state”. >

Because of the testimonies, because of Netanyahu and because Israel refuses a thorough independent investigation, I suspect that this forced sterilization campaign really happened.

[–] RunawayFixer 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The one tram that we can see is a double decker, while the iconic trams of San Francisco only have a single deck.

Because the shed on the left has "Essex" on the signage, I suspect that this is somewhere around London. An article with a picture of a similar tram:

[–] RunawayFixer 6 points 3 months ago

Many countries have this problem, not just the us. There's a few places where they are trying a vacant home tax, like France and Vancouver.

One good thing that France does, is only apply the tax in towns where there is a actual housing shortage, otherwise it would probably end with people tearing down empty homes to not have to pay taxes on them.

[–] RunawayFixer 6 points 3 months ago

They're gloating about it, absolute monsters.

[–] RunawayFixer 34 points 3 months ago (2 children)

With Gore, there might not even have been a 9/11 attack. The Clinton administration knew about Al Qaeda and was already actively working against them. The bush administration on the other hand chose to ignore numerous warnings from the CIA that an unprecedented attack was coming and that urgent action was needed.

A quote from the then CIA director of counter terrorism: “To me it remains incomprehensible still. I mean, how is it that you could warn senior people so many times and nothing actually happened? It’s kind of like The Twilight Zone.”

But later when it came to the torture bit, the Bush administration was very hands on.

[–] RunawayFixer 11 points 3 months ago

The consequences of prolife politicians and their voters: "This corresponds with a 7% absolute increase in infant mortality overall ( ≈ 247 excess deaths; 95% CI, 73-421) and 10% in infant mortality with congenital anomalies ( ≈ 204 excess deaths; 95% CI, 60-348) in relevant months after Dobbs.".

The excess deaths are still ongoing probably and i'm interested in extrapolating it to a per year statistic, but I can't make out over how many months this data was, that part of the article reads like a convoluted mess for me and I have no desire to decipher it.

[–] RunawayFixer 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

French people do eat apple beignets, which are basically fried apples.

If you've never had one before, apple beignets are easy to make and delicious, plenty of recipes around.

[–] RunawayFixer 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

That's obviously what they meant. There was probably some translation error. Just cut people some slack, everyone makes small mistakes from time to time. There's a few (atleast 2) languages where the native word for billion starts with an m and the word for trillion starts with a b.

[–] RunawayFixer 9 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

In the next paragraph: "by the time of the Daubert hearing, the printer that Cybercheck had identified in its report couldn’t be located.". I suspect there never was a printer. If asked leading questions by the investigators, then the company probably fabricates evidence that corroborates the suspicions of the investigators. And the quality of fabricated evidence is probably poor because of how cheap they are. Quality takes time and skill, and skilled time costs money.

[–] RunawayFixer 11 points 3 months ago

Parallel construction requires real evidence though. This company just seems to fabricate evidence to confirm police hypothesises. I think what happens is: Police ask "was this person there at that time on that day", the company conjures up a report that the person's mystical digital profile pinged a wireless printer at that place at roughly the right time, but also at a second other time for a tiny bit of credibility (but by only changing the date of the timestamp, which actually makes it more suspect). People go search for that printer, and then there never was a printer.

And given that the only thing that external parties saw, was less than a 1000 lines of code for automatic searches and none for interpretation, it might not even be automated, but just a human pasting together reports. A human pretending to be ai.

I'd call it outsourced fabrication of evidence.

[–] RunawayFixer 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I don't get how Hungary is still inside the eu. Pis in Poland lost power almost a year ago and there should be no other country shielding Hungary anymore. The eu countries should have used the time since then to clean house and remove the single veto mechanism in all eu institutions, instead ... Nothing. Orban just gets to be ever more confident that he can be as crooked, anti democratic and pro Russian as he wants without any real consequences.

[–] RunawayFixer 3 points 3 months ago

On the other hand, when someone claims something is impossible/something has never happened before/something happens every single time, but you have just 1 anecdote from a credible source that contradicts that claim, then that 1 anecdote is enough to know that they are wrong.

Example: some pundit states: our government has never executed an innocent man. You just need proof that they have executed a single innocent man to show that the pundit has no credibility on the subject and that it's thus not an impossibility that other executed men were also innocent.

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