Oh look - the guy who thinks laws don't apply to him also thinks that traditional ethical practices don't apply to him
Who'da thunk it?
Oh look - the guy who thinks laws don't apply to him also thinks that traditional ethical practices don't apply to him
Who'da thunk it?
I guess there wasn't a preponderance of bribes and Trump doesn't have a notable preference, so the grotesquely corrupt and incompetent Supreme Court has to turn to someone else to tell them what to do.
An amateur tip (at this point, apparently even an amateur understands the law better than the SC does) - look for precedents in similar instances.
For instance, are phone companies liable for what their customers do on their phone network? Are road construction companies liable for what people do on the roads? Are power companies liable for what people do with their electricity?
The answers are no, no and no.
So now ask yourself, why is that?
And if you're able to actually reason (somebody can maybe walk the slower and/or more corrupted justices through the steps), you'll find your answer.
Best of luck.
Again though it wasn't just a threat - it was a very specific if/then statement - "I've arranged it so that if he has me killed, he will be killed."
Granted that it's a bit unsettling, my immediate response, and IMO the likely immediate response of virtually anyone and everyone, would be "But I don't intend to have you killed."
She didn't simply threaten to have him killed - she said that she had arranged to have him killed if he had her killed.
So it's only really a "threat" if he intends to have her killed.
So essentially, Bongbong is admitting that he intends to have her killed.
Why would you think ideology is even relevant?
Much though the world would be instantly improved if that vile, racist piece of shit Pauline Hanson was dead, she's under no real threat of being murdered by her political opponents - that's just not the way that Australians do things.
And she knows that.
Isn't accusing Marcos of corruption sort of like accusing the Pope of being Catholic?
I mean - he's a Marcos. Corruption is all he knows.
And really, specifically what she did was threatened to have those people killed if they had her killed.
That seems to me to be a reasonable precaution, all things considered.
I've never been sure if it was a situational thing or a general thing, but years ago my then-girlfriend and I cleaned a suite of offices three nights a week, and I was surprised to discover that the women's restroom was generally much worse than the men's. And I don't mean just messy - I mean foul and gross.
I never did figure out why that was, but the difference was undeniable.
I actually hadn't thought about it that way - to the degree that I thought about it at all, I guess I pretty much assumed that opportunistic sycophancy was just his nature.
But yeah - now that I am thinking about it, it is quite likely that to the degree that it's not his own nature, it's a role he has to play at the behest of and on the behalf of his patrons.
And the only other thing I've really noticed about Graham is that pretty much no matter what he's doing or saying, there's this ongoing low level sense of sleaze that just sort of emanates from him. He just seems like the sort of "conservative" with a sex dungeon in his basement and a bunch of highly specialized escort services on speed-dial.
Which ties in neatly.
Sorry - I edited that because I could just see some tight-assed mod getting all twisted up over it, and I wanted the underlying message to not get deleted, and only saw your response after the fact.
But now that you mention it...
Lindsey Graham can always be counted on to suck up to whichever Republican is currently getting the most headlines.
If this was actually a just world, the jackals selling real estate stolen from the rightful owners wouldn't be facing protests - they'd be in prison or in front of a firing squad, where war criminals and profiteers belong.
Well... that and the government is always looking for excuses for additional surveillance, and I'm sure they're eager to buy all of the data the ISPs will have to harvest.
But yeah - an awful lot of the reason for this is simply that a bunch of rent-seeking datalords has bought and paid for it. The fortunes they make off of other peoples creativity depend entirely on getting somebody else to gatekeep for them.