I don't recommend using modified versions of Windows, they may contain backdoors
there ARE alternatives to Adobe Suite, here's an article that talks about it https://notes.ghed.in/posts/2022/free-software-design-studios/
But in short:
Lightroom > Darktable Premier Pro > Kdenlive Ilustrator > Inkscape Adobe Audio Studio(I forgot the name) > Tenacity(Fork of Audacity)
You may also take a look at alternativeto.net to find more alternatives to more stuff
You DO know that 30 fps wasn't a thing back then, right?
So you're letting yourself be a slave of the company and food for the bloodsuckers?
Edit: Not to mention that the software LITERALLY it's not yours, you're just paying a license that isn't perpetual, so they can revoke it from you to make you stop using it if they want to.
The Krita devs themselves said it, it is intended for Digital Painting
Bruh, Even the Krita devs themselves say that Krita is made for Digital Painting
Doesn't mean Krita will do the job for you either.
Yeah i agree, it's even available as Flatpak which makes it even better.
Yes, but with Photoshop (If you are paying the creative cloud) You'll be paying 60$ a mlnth which translates to 720$ a year every year for the rest of your natural born creative life.
Also, what functions are you trying to find anyway?
No, that's like cutting wood with a kitchen knife
Still, i don't find it cery secure or trustworthy