Captain Obvious from some ad campaign.
Close, that was his dad, and that's why Tucker is the heir to the Swanson frozen dinner fortune.
They changed Duo to meet, and that's the built in video call button on stock android, and now it's fucking broken. Google needs to figure their shit out. It's like they launch new products that do the same fucking thing every 5 minutes to keep software designers employed. I can't count how many products Google has had for video calls. Just fucking pick one and leave it tf alone.
That's gotta be it. I was looking at it crazy hard trying to figure out wtf if was.
I never played it in school, but definitely at like summer camps that were less organized..
He's probably just frozen again. Hit the restart button and maybe he'll say something
I haven't watched it in years. Multiverse got old after a while. Is the new voice actor any good?
Inb4 Trump Youth
Grabs popcorn...
Whack, I guess that means it won't be on YouTube for free anymore
Gotta maximize the target market on everything to get the most clicks and all. It's why anything that comes out now is so good damn bland.