But then find a way to blame biden
The guy that narrowly escaped in stage 1 back in July
It's pretty rare in California and NYC outside of law enforcement. Some states have open carry, and even there, it's rare, but the fringe folk have them.
Sonofabitch, it was ned and Jimbo wasn't it?
They don't have a majority
Reminder, gass used in small planes is still leaded. If you live near a small airport, it's probably raining lead.
Could be all that, but imma bet it's the obvious thing everyone is thinking.
That was kinda the vibe I got from the promo material. I'm out of town right now, but I intend to watch it with my kids. I'm pretty sure they'll enjoy it.
For sure, if someone signs him up for United Health care it would absolutely make the stock go up. I'm absolutely sure this is what OP was talking about.
Well yeah, they rake their forests
Exactly, focus on the controllables in life. I did the 1 thing I could which was vote and combat mis/disinformation when I saw it. The dumb won. I just gotta stay nose to the grindstone for my career and watch this shit show unfold. People are too dumb to vote for taxing billionaires and fixing our shitty healthcare and education systems because eggs cost too much. It's not my fault they can't be bothered to read and vet their information sources.
They'd get immediately repealed by Republican Senate, house and Extreme court.